Do you think we could use the character traits list from a few days ago to come put with character traits for the main characters? We’ll think about that more when we finish the book tomorrow.
Do you think we could use the character traits list from a few days ago to come put with character traits for the main characters? We’ll think about that more when we finish the book tomorrow.
Good Morning!
Morning Work – I hope you will start off your learning day by completing your weather graph, noting the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see. Use the symbols on the cloud finder.
Then check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two. Piper and Edward are holding out – they won’t finish their stories until they get a few more comments. Lots of you share how thankful you are for your family and many of you shared your engineering skills. There is a lot of effort and learning happening here. You should be proud of yourselves. Thanks for sharing and posting and staying connected.
Check out all the comments of your classmates have left about reading too. You’ll notice who is thinking about character traits, or favorite events. You just might find a new book for you.
Morning Meeting – Now that I’ve started thinking of what I grateful for, I’ve begun to think about things like being grateful to see and hear, to taste and feel. And that made me think of this book. Here’s a link to The Listening Walk. Enjoy! I like how this book is full of onomatopoeia so let’s see how we can combine sounds with gratitude and writing. First, make time to “go on a listening walk.” You decide – do you want to sit and listen right where you are, or do you want to go for a walk outside. Whatever you choose, make a list of as many sounds as you hear. Next sort them into natural and manmade sounds. And finally, choose the sounds you are most grateful for and share them in a poem or story on your blog. Try using onomatopoeia in this post. If you need an example to help you get started, there’s one on my blog.
Take a break, get a snack and move around. If you’d like, here are Go Noodle videos here and here. One is for moving and one is for thinking about kindness.
Reading, Writing, Science and Art
Shared Reading – Do you know the difference between a snow storm and a blizzard? Let’s find out about this type of extreme weather today. First here’s a new poem by A.A.Milne:
The More It Snows Here’s John Rocco’s Blizzard
The more it. It’s his personal narrative from 1978.
SNOWS – tiddely -pom,
The more it. Here’s an article by Lauren Tarshis.
GOES – tiddely – pom She is the author of the I Survived series
The more it. It’s about The Children’s Blizzard of 1888
GOES – tiddely – pom And finally, here’s a video,
And nobody
KNOWS – tiddely- pom, Now that you’re a Blizzard expert.
How cold my Take some time to write about the
TOES – tiddely – pom difference between a snowstorm and
How cold my a blizzard. You could create a poem, a
TOES – tiddely – pom. story, an informational piece. If you’ve got
Are coffee filters or a cupcake liners, make
Growing. some snowflakes to illustrate your writing.
Post them together on your blog.
Take a break, go outside, run around play a game, make some art. Maybe there’s something on this chart that you haven’t thought of that could be fun.
Reading – Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book. If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great. Enjoy!
At the end of reading today, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.
Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder. Mrs. Oliver has a couple new songs for us today.
Inquiry Workshop – Social Studies – Our goal is to have the travel journal (magazine) pages completed by the end of March and ready to share on April 6th. You can find your assignment and notes in the blue folder so you are sure of what parts need to be worked on. You may want to begin writing what you have researched now and see how many of your pages you can complete before you finish researching. It’s okay to work in whatever writing program you have on your computer rather than using Print Shop. Google Classroom is an option for making your pages too. You can choose the font type, size and color in Pages or Word and you add photographs the same way. Do what you can and don’t worry about what you can’t.
Math – Today our goal is to make sure that we can solve division story problems with dividends to 100. And we are going to try practicing solving division problems by finding an unknown factor.
(A dividend the the number that is being divided in the problem. Factors are the two numbers being multiplied together.)
Here’s the first story problem: If I had 24 cookies and I wanted to divide them evenly among 6 children. How many cookies would each child get?
Step one: count out 24 pennies (It what I have to use as counters like we use the tiles in class.)
Step two: draw six kids
Step three: Start sharing pennies until they are gone to find out what a fair share is.
Step four: Write the equation. My answer is four.
What if someone said, “I could solve that because I know that 4 x 6 =24. So it just makes sense that 24 ÷6 =4. They’re in the same fact family.” Would they be right or not?
Edward had 35 baseball cards that he wanted to share evenly with seven friends. How many baseball cards would he give each of his friends. Edward said, “I know that. I know that 7 x 5 =35 so 35 ÷7 =5. My answer is that each friend would get 5 cards.”
I wasn’t certain so here are the steps I took to solve the problem.
Step one: Count out 35 pennies
Step two: Draw seven kids
Step three: Share the pennies until they are gone to find out what the fair share is.
Step four: Write the equation. My answer is 5. Each of the kids would get 5 baseball cards. I got the same answer as Edward did, but I got it in a different way. Can we both be right?
For today’s warm up choose at least two of the following problems to solve. Record all the steps of your math thinking either by recording and dating it in your journal or by photographing your steps and creating your own math teaching blog post.
Next, here are today’s problems to choose from. See if there are two that feel like just right challenges. You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper. It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted. Thanks!
At baseball practice the players on Landon threw the ball 162 times. He batted the ball 63 times and fielded the ball 79 times. How much contact with a ball did Landon have at that practice?
If that was repeated three times each week for the entire month of May (there are four weeks in a month) how much contact with a ball would Landon have altogether in that month?
Mrs. Nardone bought 15 packets of crayons. Eight of the packets had 8 crayons and the other seven had 10 crayons. How many crayons did Mrs. Nardone buy in all?
Half of the crayons were triangular and half were round.
How many of each type of crayon were there?
Holden was doing a jigsaw puzzle that had 1,525 pieces in it.
He divided the puzzle pieces into five equal groups. How many pieces were in each group?
By Monday he had completed 3/5 (3 of the 5 groups)of the puzzle.
How many pieces did he still have left to put together then?
The birds are back and nesting.
The ornithologists are keeping track. They have found:
15 bluebird nests, with 4 eggs in each nest and
21 robin nests, with 6 eggs in each nest.
How many eggs were in the 36 nests altogether?
Elena collected 174 shells at the beach. She added them to her collection and now she has 360 shells.
How many shells did Elena start with?
Sophie had 1,209 books. Katherine had 1,136 books. If they put them together on a shelf, how many books would they have then?
Paul borrowed 140 and Holden borrowed 128 of the books the girls put on the shelf. How many books were left on the shelf then?
If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCDya. Brady and I especially like Math Bingo. Landon recommended Basketball Math Facts. Did anyone else find another game you like. Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun. You could also make your own Tiguous board. All you need is a partner, 10 counters each and two dice. You can teach for family the game.
I know you began Spanish yesterday. Here is some information I forgot to share:
Hola familias – Hello families.
Here’s the link to Mrs Oliver’s Online classroom. Remember, she’d love to hear from you and is hoping you’ll email her pictures of videos of the songs you are learning to play. Have fun making music!
Well done! You’ve completed another day. I miss you more than you can ever know. Thank you for all you effort. You are wonderful. 🙌🏼
❤️ Mrs. Eaves