Our Day ~ Monday, April 20

Good Morning! It’s the 50th Celebration of Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22.  During our breaks this week, I’ll  suggest activities to help us appreciate and care for our planet a little bit more.

Morning Work – Start off your learning day by completing your weather graph, note the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see.  Use the symbols on the cloud finder.

This week I chose to start the day with a book to remind us to look for the good – it’s always there.  After you listen, pick up you gratitude rock and think of something new to add to your Gratitude Jar.

Check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two. You are sharing amazing writing, math and art. Thanks for staying connected!🙌🏼☀️💕

During  Morning Meeting I try to share something to remind us of how we can make the world better.  

Fables are stories helping us to consider our choices.  They’ve been around for thousands of years and there are hundreds of them.  Aesop was a slave in Ancient Greece who is said to have earned his freedom through the wisdom of his storytelling.  

Do you have a favorite fable?  If you were going tell others what a fable is, what would you say?  Leave your answers to these questions in a comment.  If you don’t have an answer yet, don’t worry.  We’ll figure it out together over the next week or two.  Let’s start by listening to two different versions of the Fox and the Crow.

What did you notice that was the same about the two version?  What was different?  Which did you like better?  Do you have a different version at home?  Leave your answers to these questions in a comment below.

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  Since we’re hopping into the week.  Hop on your right foot across the room, then hop on your left foot on the way back.  How many hops did it take in total.  Here are two Go Noodle videos: sing and dance to Little Green Froggy or relax and reflect on how you can Care for Earth.

Shared Reading – we’ll continue to solve riddles and listen to mysteries.  We’ll also explore some activities that will help us each write our own mystery.

The answers to Thursday’s riddles were:  #1 palm, #2 silence and #3 draw a shorter line beside it.

Here are some new riddles to solve ~

Riddle #1  It’s as light as a feather, but the strongest person can’t hold it for more than 5 minutes.  What is it?

Riddle #2  If you throw a blue stone in the Red Sea, what will it become”

Riddle #3 How many triangles are in this picture?

Enjoy the the companion of 7 Ate 9.  It called The Upper Case – Trouble in Capital City .(Sorry for the corny video. It’s a fun story)

Of all the picture book mysteries we’ve shared so far, what’s been your favorite and why?  Please leave your answer in a comment below.  It will help me plan when we begin writing our own mysteries.

So far we’ve shared:  The Case of the Missing Monkey, The Case of the Climbing Cat, The Deductive Detective, Betty’s Burgled Bakery, Piggins, What Really Happened to Humpty?, Grandpa’s Teeth and 7 Ate 9.

Take a break, go outside, run around, sing,  Create Bird-Friendly Window Decals, this egg-carton panda is fun or make some art.

ReadingKeep reading each and every day! Mystery book clubs will be meeting tomorrow.  Make sure you’ve read chapter 1 and written your notes.  Do you know what the mystery is?  Do you know who will be solving it?

Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book.  You can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great.  Enjoy!

At the end of reading today, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder.  Relax.

Writer’s Workshop  –  Take this time to finish up any writing projects you are in the middle of  – country inquiry/travel journal or finishing the souvenirs.  You may also want to finalize your weather writing and illustrations.  Several of you began stories last week.  Please continue adding to them.  Don’t leave us in suspense.  😲  You’ve been doing some amazing writing and that made me wonder if you’d like to submit it to a contest.  Channel 11 – NHPBS is holding a Kids Writers Contest.  It might be something you’d like to try. Open the link to find out the rules and decide if it’s something for you.

 Do you remember reading Where In the Wild and looking for the animals in the photographs. If you need a new writing idea, try creating a Mystery Animal Poem.

Try this format:

I have __________.

I have __________.

I live __________.

I eat __________.

I am __________.

I can __________.

I make the noise __________.

What Am I?

If you create an Animal Mystery Poem, please post it on your blog and find a way to illustrate it with some clues.

MathWe’ve been learning about area.  Warm-up with this Find the Area practice worksheet to remind yourself of what you know.

As long as you’re measuring with the same square unit, you can add areas together.  If I’m making two gardens.  One is behind my house.  It is a rectangle that is 6 feet long and 3 feet wide.  The second garden is to the left of the house.  It is a rectangle that is 5 feet long and 2 feet wide.  I need to have the gardener deliver soil and fertilizer for each square foot.  Should I have her make two deliveries; one for 18 square feet and another for 10 square feet?  Or can I have her make one delivery for 28 square feet and be able to fill both of my gardens.

I could do either, but one delivery would  probably better for the earth.  How would you solve Barbara’s Areas for Chickens Problem?

Next, here are today’s problems to choose from.  See if there are two that feel like just right challenges.   You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper.  It will be helpful to write the color and the date the problem was posted.  Thanks!

Katherine had a collection of cards. She had 473 cards with dolphins on them.  She had 326 kittens and puppies on them.  She had 186 with unicorns and fairies on them.  How many cards did Katherine have in her collection altogether?

She gave her friends 496 of her cards.  How many cards did she have in her collection then?

Landon had a collection of 118,000 Legos before he began building forts out of them.

He used 12,485 bricks to make the first for, 13,067 bricks to make the second fort and 34,642 bricks to make the last fort.

How many Lego bricks did he use in all to make the three forts?

How many Lego bricks did he have left to use for other projects?

Vera organized her art supplies.

She sorted and counted 1,532 crayons, 1,381 markers and 2,637 colored pencils.

How many art supplies did Vera organize altogether?

She gave 2,795 supplies to kids who didn’t have any.  How many art supplies did she have left?

Holden had 113,500 Legos altogether in a bin.

 He used 16,154 red bricks, 34,437 white bricks and 9,528 blue bricks to make a spaceship.

How many Lego bricks did Holden use altogether to build his spaceship?

How many Legos did he have left in the bin?

Edward went for a hike.  He collected food for the birds.

He found 1,465 acorns, 1,376 pinecones and 2,857 red berries.

How many things did Edward collect altogether during his hike?

He put them in a pile at the edge of the forest.  When he went back the next day, birds had eaten half of what Edward had collected.

How much food did the birds eat in one day?

Brady had 256 markers.  He threw away 68 because they had dried up.  How many markers does he have left?

Round your answer to the nearest 10 and to the nearest 100.

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. If you want to try Prodigy talk to your parents.  Did anyone else find another game to recommend?  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.  Did anyone else find another game you like.  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.

UA’s for today…

Art Click on new lessons and scroll down to find what Mrs. Nardone has for you to explore in Art today.  If you explore the art gallery you’ll see new artwork this week in Gallery 1 from Van, Anna, May, Edward and Sophie.  You’ll see new artwork from Van and Justin in Gallery 2 and you’ll find photographs from Anna and May in the Photograph Gallery. Remember the recycled instrument challenge for Art, Music and Earth Day (April 22) – that’s coming right up.

Technology – You’ll find the lessons Mrs. Herlihy left here at this link open the lesson that is next for you.

I hope you’ve had a great Monday.  Thanks for staying connected and doing all you can.

🌎🌳🌻💕 Mrs. Eaves

A Summary of Week 5

This week you made art and music.  We  shared books by Amy Krauss Rosenthal and explored their themes.  You said they were:  be happy with who you are, you can have adventures on your own, you don’t have to be first ~ take time to notice things around you, and friends =love.

We solved riddles each day and read more mysteries.  We are getting better at completing the Detective Case Reports. It is sometimes challenging to notice the clues.

You are reading and listening to great books.  You’re leaving comments to share our reading recommendations for our classmates.

Some went on Spring scavenger hunts and some of us wrote about spring.

Some went on Noticing Walks and created map of what we sensed while me mindfully listened and felt and saw.

You’ve all been writing each day ~ some in our journals and some on our blogs.  Many more of you finished your souvenirs and travel journals.

You’ve all been learning more about area and the square units you’d use to measure it in in math.  You’ll finish that unit in this upcoming week.4.16-playing-with-area-1-1

Next week you can look forward to starting the mystery book clubs, trying to write our own original mystery, celebrating Earth Day, learning about fables and completing the math unit about x/÷ fact families, story problem writing and area.

Thanks for doing your best, staying safe and being wonderful friends to each other!

💕☀️🌈🙌🏼Mrs. Eaves

Our Day ~ Thursday, April 16

Good Morning! I am so grateful for you, the work you do each day and the promise your actions share with our world.

Morning Work – Start off your learning day by completing your weather graph, note the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see.  Use the symbols on the cloud finder.

Pick up you gratitude rock and think of something new to add it to your Gratitude Jar.  You matter.  You matter A LOT!  Earth Day is next week.  What can you do today and every day to make our world better.

Check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two. You’ve been posting some creative and thoughtful things.  Thanks for staying connected!👍🏻🌱🌎

Morning Meeting –  This week I’ve chosen to share classroom favorites of celebrating differences and friendship.  This weeks books are all by Amy Krouse Rosnethal. Here’s Friendshape because “friends shape who we are.” Use your last section of paper to record this title and a sentence (or so) to name what you think the author’s message is. Turn the paper over and draw a picture of your favorite part of the story – it can be as simple or as detailed as you’d like.  Now you have four messages and images saved from the week.  Take two photographs – one with all four titles and messages, and a second of the four images.  Send them to me and I’ll put them together in one post celebrating 3E.  If you want to know about what I mean, you can go to my blog for an example.

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  If you’d like, here are two Go Noodle videos: move to the Llama Song and stretch with Maximo in Whirling Happiness.

Shared Reading –  Riddles are little mysteries that encourage you to think of things differently.  They can be challenging! I am so impressed by your efforts and your ideas! The answers to yesterday’s riddles are:  #1 C, #2 teapot and #3 Post Office.

Here are some new riddles to solve ~

Riddle #1  What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

Riddle #2  What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?

Riddle #3 You draw a line.  Without touching it, how do you make the line longer?

Next listen to 7 Ate 9 and then fill our theDetective Case Report. Is it easier to notice more clues, when you already know the story?  On Monday we’ll listen to the punny sequel – there are clues here for that mystery too.


Take a break. Do you have time  – 20 or so minutes – to go on a “Noticing Walk?”A noticing walk is when you intentionally stop every few minutes and take note of what you see, hear, feel and maybe even smell.  Sometimes I even make a sketchnote on an index card so I can remember.  When I get home I create a map of what I noticed on my walk.  It is a different kind of gratitude practice that joins mindfulness, movement, nature and art

Here’s my sketchnote and the Noticing Map from my walk yesterday.


ReadingKeep reading each and every day! Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book.  If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great.  Enjoy!

At the end of reading today, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder.  Relax.

Writer’s Workshop  – Take this time to finish up any writing projects you are in the middle of  – country inquiry/travel journal or finishing the souvenirs.  Thank you for so many great souvenir pictures you’ve sent.  You are creative!  I admire your work!  You can also want to finalize your weather writing and illustrations.  These pieces of writing are wonderful!  It’s amazing that so many different pieces of writing began from the same topics and research.

Several of you began stories yesterday.  Please continue adding to them.  Don’t leave us in suspense.  😲Whenever you’re ready for a new writing idea, here are some more mysterious Quick Writes for today:

  • You take a book down from the shelf.  When you open it a letter with an official royal seal fall out.  You open it and begin reading.  It says:  “If you are reading this, you have been chosen…
  • You wake up to find a post-it note on your pillow.  This note leads you to another clue inside your house.  Your family says they know nothin about them, but decide to help you solve the mystery.  One clue leads to another.  Where will it end?
  • You had an amazing dream.  When you wake up, you discover you have the super power from your dream.  What is it?  How did it happen?  What will you do?
  • You recently moved into a new house.  Every day on your walk home you pass by a park and everyday you notice the same empty swing swinging.
  • or another topic you’d like to write about.

MathThe size of the unit square changes with the size of the space you are measuring. Did you have a chance to measure out and compare a square inch (sq. in.) to a square foot (sq. ft.) to a square yard (sq. yd.)?  It’s pretty striking!  Did you notice the little green square inch on the red square foot?

Which unit square would you use to measure each thing in the list below.

How would you measure the area of a…?


tennis court


post-it note

sleeping bag

a park

For some more practice with area complete this two part worksheet:  Playing with Area 1 and  Playing with Area 2

Next, here are today’s problems to choose from.  See if there are two that feel like just right challenges.   You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper.  It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted.  Thanks!

Justin was building with Legos.  He had 1,468 bricks in a bin when he started building.

When he was finished there were 385 bricks left. 

How many Legos did Justin use while he was building?

Elena started a new book.  She read 47 pages.  The book has 203 pages altogether. 

How many pages does Elena have left to read? 

If Elena reads 30 pages each day, how many days will it take her to finish the book?  (On last day she’ll read more than 30 pages because she wants to finish the book.)

Max sorted his sports cards.  He had three piles.  One had 567 baseball cards, another had 1,934 basketball cards and the last had 2,385 football cards in it.

How many sports cards did Max have altogether?

He decided to give 387 of the cards to his friend.  How many cards did Max have left?

Sophie organized her art supplies.

She sorted and counted 453 crayons, 138 markers and 259 colored pencils.

How many art supplies did Sophie organize altogether?

She gave 327 art supplies to kids who didn’t have any.  How many art supplies did she have left?

Paul was making pictures for five friends.

He used three Sponge Bob stickers on each picture.

He used six crabby patty stickers on each picture.

And he used ten seashells on each picture.

How many Sponge Bob stickers did he use in all?

How many crabby patty stickers did he use in all?

How many seashells did he use in all?

How many stickers did Paul use altogether in the pictures he made for his five friends?

Piper is reading The Secret Zoo.

It has 320 pages.  If Piper reads twenty-five pages a day, how many days will it take her to finish the book? (On the last day she will only read a few pages.)

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. If you want to try Prodigy talk to your parents.  Did anyone else find another game to recommend?  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.  Did anyone else find another game you like.  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.

UA’s for today…

Spanish ~ I know Señora Murphy has posted some new lessons for you to explore.

And Music ~ Here’s the link to Mrs Oliver’s Online classroom.  Remember, she’d love to hear from you and is hoping you’ll email her pictures and videos of the songs you are learning to play.  She’d like to see your recycled instrument too.  Have fun making music!

Thank you for another week full of creativity, grit and learning!

You and your effort fills me with gratitude and admiration.  You are magnificent!🙌🏼

😃🌱🌎✏️📚💕Mrs. Eaves

PS:  Thank you to Sophie and her mom for picking up and delivering books for the mystery book clubs in the next few days.  If you don’t see your name on the Mystery Book Club lists (another post made Friday) and you’d like to join a book club, ask your parents to send an email with your address.  I’ll pop the book in the mail.  Take care and be well!

Our Day – Wednesday, April 15

Good Morning! 

Morning Work – Start off your learning day by completing your weather graph, note the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see.  Use the symbols on the cloud finder.

Pick up you gratitude rock and think of something new to add  to your Gratitude Jar.   Every post you make, every idea to share, every caring thought and action you take ~ each of those things makes the world happier! ☀️✌🏽💕I am grateful for you!

Check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two. You’ve really been creating and sharing great work!   Thanks for staying connected.

Morning Meeting –  This week I’ve chosen to share classroom favorites of celebrating differences and friendship.  This weeks books are all by Amy Krouse Rosnethal. Today let’s listen to Straw ~ sometimes it’s good to be first, and other times it’s important to slow down and drink in the world around you.

Use the third section of your paper today. Write Straw on it and one sentence (or so) telling what you think the author’s message is.  That is identifying the theme of the book.  What did Straw learn?  Turn the paper over and draw a picture of your favorite part of the story – it can be as simple or as detailed as you’d like.  Put it in a safe place with your other 2 pictures – the plan/hope is that we’ll share tomorrow.

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  If you’d like, here are two Go Noodle videos: move to By, Bye, Buy here and focus with Catman making Super Crazy Eights.

Shared Reading –  Riddles are little mysteries that get you thinking in a different way.  I can’t tell if some of you are really good, or if you are looking them up online – you know them so fast.  I don’t think that way!  I hope you’re all doing your own deductive reasoning.  Here are the answers to Tuesday’s riddles: a towel, your age, Are you sleeping?

Here are some new riddles to solve ~

Riddle #1  What letter of the alphabet holds the most water?

Riddle #2  What starts with T and ends with T and has T in it?

Riddle #3  What starts with P and end with E and has a thousand letters in it?

Next listen to What Really Happened to Humpty? and then fill our theDetective Case Report . Are you getting good at noticing clues as the story unfolds?


Take a break, go outside, run around, sing,  play a game, make some art.

ReadingKeep reading each and every day! Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book.  If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great.  Enjoy!

At the end of reading today, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder.  Relax.

Writer’s Workshop  –  Take this time to finish up any writing projects you are in the middle of  – country inquiry/travel journal or finishing the souvenirs.  Thank you for so many great souvenir pictures you’ve sent.  You are creative!  I admire your work!  You can also want to finalize your weather writing and illustrations.  These pieces of writing are wonderful!  It’s amazing that so many different pieces of writing began from the same topics and research.

Whenever you’re ready for a new writing ideas, here are some mysterious Quick Writes for today:

  • You discover a secret passageway in your house that you’d never known about before…
  • At the grocery store, your character sees ______ in the produce section.  He or she decides to…
  • Imagine a giant box is delivered to your front doorstep.  Your name is on it!  What’s inside and what happens when you open it?
  • You’re looking through old family photographs  – they go back generations,- grandparents, great-grandparents, great great-grandparents and more.  You notice there is a cat in almost every group photo.  The same cat- color, pattern, notched ear: the very cat that is currently purring on your lap.
  • or another topic you’d like to write about.

I think this is where our 1:00 Zoom Meeting will fit into our day schedule.

MathThe size of the unit square changes with the size of the space you are measuring.  Can you imagine measuring a football field with one square inch units?  Here’s a picture of a square inch(sq. in.), compared to a square foot (sq. ft.), compared to a square yard (sq. yd.).  Which unit square would you use to measure each thing in the list below.  Here’s an example of how you can leave your thinking in the comment section of the post:  Football Field = sq. yd.

How would you measure the area of a…?

A notebook

A playground

A tabletop

A classroom rug

An envelope

A basketball court

A beach towel

A book

A lacrosse field

To practice more with estimation and area, here is a worksheet:Estimating and Measuring in Square Inches

Next, here are today’s problems to choose from. They have a spring theme.  Happy solving!  Please put the color and the date the problem was posted with your math thinking.  Thanks!

There were lots of frogs in the vernal pools behind the Sophie’s house. 

In one pool there were 5 masses of eggs.  Each mass had 236 eggs in them.  How many frog eggs is that altogether?

1/4 of the eggs hatched on Wednesday.  How many tadpoles would that be?

Elena noticed that the birds were back and nesting.

She found 15 nests.  Each nest had 4 eggs in it.

Katherine found 21 nests.  Each  of those nests had 6 eggs in it.

How many eggs were in all the nests altogether?

If 2/3 of the eggs hatch, how many baby birds will there be?

There were 6 packages of bean seeds.  Each package had at least 64 seeds in it.

3E planted all of the bean seeds.

How many seeds did they plant altogether?

There were 8 packages of lettuce seeds.  Each package had at least 28 seeds in it.

3E planted all of the lettuce seeds.

How many seeds did they plant altogether?

¼ of the seeds did not sprout.

How many lettuce plants did they have?

There were 30 robins and each robin laid 3 eggs in its nest.

How many eggs was that altogether?

2/3 of the eggs hatched.

How many hatchlings would that be?

Justin was collecting creatures to make a mini-wetland habitat.

He collected two pails of frog’s eggs.  Each pail had 243 eggs in it.

He collected three pails of salamander eggs.  Each pail had 84 eggs in it.

How many eggs did he collect in all?

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. If you want to try Prodigy talk to your parents.  Did anyone else find another game to recommend?  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.  Did anyone else find another game you like.  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.

UA’s for today…

Spanish ~ I know Señora Murphy has posted some new lessons for you to explore.

Library ~ there are lots of great resources there.

I hope you had a Wonderful Wednesday!

Thanks for all you do and fun you share!  Thanks for encouraging each other!

You make a difference every day!

🌸🌺🌱☀️🙌🏼  Keep on being awesome!

💕Mrs. Eaves

Our Day – Tuesday, April 14

Good Morning! Happy Sunny Tuesday!

Morning Work – Start off your learning day by completing your weather graph, note the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see.  Use the symbols on the cloud finder.

Pick up you gratitude rock and think of something new to add it to your Gratitude Jar.  If you can’t think of anything, read through your strips, check through your blog comments.  Your friends have left some kind words there over the past few days and weeks.  You matter.  You make me smile every day.  My world is so much better with you in it.  Thank you.

Check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two. It feels great to be noticed.  Thanks for staying connected!🙌🏼☀️💕

Morning Meeting –  Here’s the second classroom favorite of celebrating differences and friendship.  This weeks books are all by Amy Krouse Rosnethal. Today we’ll share Chopsticks and explore “the importance of sticking together – and standing on your own.”

Yesterday you folded and cut a piece of paper into fourths.  On the second section write Chopsticks and one sentence (or so) telling what you think the author’s message is.  That would be naming the theme of the book.  What did the Chopsticks learn?  Turn it over and draw a picture of your favorite part of the story – it can be as simple or as detailed as you’d like.  Put it in a safe place with yesterday’s picture – the plan/hope is that we’ll share your thoughts and pictures on Thursday.

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  If you’d like, here are two  Go Noodle videos move to Pop See Ko and Stretch with Maximo.

Shared Reading –  We’ll keep practicing solving riddles and mysteries.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas yesterday.  Riddles aren’t easy!  I have to say, you are much better at them than I am.  Here are yesterday’s answers:  an egg(Your ideas of peanuts and silence fit too!), a candle and all the months.

Here are some new riddles to solve ~

Riddle #1  What gets wet while drying?

Riddle #2  What goes up, but never comes down?

Riddle #3  What question can you never answer yes to?

Next listen to this new mystery, Grandfather’s Teeth. This one is tricky. I had to read it a few times the catch all the clues.  When you’ve finished, try to the story complete the Detective Case Report.  In Piggins yesterday, he was the detective, because he used the clues to catch Lord and Lady Rastby.  Inspector Bayswater was a distraction.  Mysteries can be complicated.  Do you think you could plan and write an original mystery story of your own?

Take a break, go outside and try a Spring Scavenger Hunt Nature Walk. I wonder how many items you can find today?  I wonder if it will change in a week’s time.  Sing a song,  play a game, make some art.

ReadingKeep reading each and every day! Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book.  If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great.  Enjoy!

At the end of reading today, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder.  Mrs. Oliver has added some new songs. Relax.

Writer’s Workshop  – Take this time to finish up any writing projects you are in the middle of  – country inquiry/travel journal or finishing the souvenirs.  Thank you for so many great souvenir pictures yesterday.  You can work on your weather writing or illustrations and submit that piece when you’re done.

Whenever you’re ready for a new writing ideas, here are the Quick Writes for today:

I know it’s spring when…

When everything turns green, I think about…

The best game to play outside in spring is…

If you could plant a garden of anything, what would be in it?

When I see baby animals, I think of…

For a quick write you read the prompts, think for a minute or so, choose a topic and write for a full 10 minutes without stopping.  At the end of 10 minutes you choose – are you done, do you have a different idea, do you want to keep going.  When you feel like your piece of writing is done, you can decide to keep to yourself, or to publish it.

Math – What is area?

Area is an amount.  Four classmates made an estimate about the area of rectangle Z. The estimates were: 21 sq. in., 10 sq. in., 15 sq. in and 18 sq. in.  (One dad thought it might be 18 sq. in. too.)


I am aware of four classmates who calculated the area of the four rectangles.  The area of rectangle A = 9 square inches. The area of rectangle B = 8 square inches.  The area of rectangle C = 12 square inches. And the area of rectangle D = 12 square inches.

When people measure area, they find out how many square units it takes to cover a shape with no overlaps or gaps.  We are going to use 1 inch paper squares to measure the area of different rectangles.

Gather together three common rectangular objects like a book, a journal, a box of pasta or rice, an envelope or a card.  Don’t choose anything much larger than a chapter book.  Why – because keeping the unit squares in line is challenging. Once you’ve selected your three objects, record your work here.  Write the name of the three objects, record your estimate in square inches, cover each object to find that actual are in square inches. Finding the Area of Common Objects







Look at this picture and read what to do if there is a remainder.

When I covered the book with square inches, there was a remainder at the bottom of the book.  The area of the cover is 48 sq. in.  But I think that the remaining part is a half inch in each row.  That means six half inches would be three inches.  So the total are of the book cover is 51 sq. in.

If you find you had a remainder in the objects you choose, decide what would me most accurate and you record the area of your three common objects.

Finish your math warm up with this Area and Multiplication Practice

Next, here are today’s problems to choose from.  See if there are two that feel like just right challenges.   You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper.  It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted.  Thanks!

Edward raked leaves.  He raked up three piles.  One had 1,567 leaves, another had 2,134 leaves and the last had 2,385 in it.

How many leaves did Edward rake up altogether?

2,482 of the leaves were from a maple tree and the rest were from an oak tree.

How many were oak leaves?

Brady went for a walk in the woods.  He kept track of the trees he saw.  He counted 250 trees altogether.

There were 38 beech trees, 16 pine trees, 86 oak trees and 22 hemlock trees. 

The rest were maple. 

How many maple trees did he see and count?

May collected shells on the beach.  She found 1,568 white shells, 2,374 yellow shells and 2,019 speckled shells.

She used 2,465 of her shells to decorate a box. 

How many shells did May have left?

Estella was making her souvenirs.  She worked for 25 minutes for 5 days in a row and 45 minutes for the next 3 days in a row to finish them.  How many minutes did Estella spend creating her souvenirs?   How many hours and minutes is that?

Javey was building with Legos.  There were 1,105 bricks in the bin when he started.

There were 328 bricks left when he finished. 

How many Legos did Javey use while he was building?

Landin has 2,850 crayons.  Anna has 1,739 crayons.

How many more crayons does Landin have than Anna?

Van has 1,258 more crayons than Anna has.  How many crayons does Van have?

If Landin, Anna and Van put all their crayons together, how many crayons will that be?

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. Seven classmates have given Prodigy a try.  They say it is a lot of fun and a just-right challenge.  Talk to your parents to get your login information if you want to give it a try too.  Did anyone else find different game  or activity to recommend?  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.

UA’s for today…

Challenges and Phys. Ed.  Here is the link to their website if you need some suggestions for how to stay active and fit.

I hope you had a great day!  You’ve got this!


💕Mrs. Eaves

Our Day Monday – April 13

Good Morning!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend!🐰

Morning Work – Start off your learning day by completing your weather graph, note the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see.  Use the symbols on the cloud finder.

Pick up you gratitude rock and think of something new to add it to your Gratitude Jar.  If you can’t think of anything, read through you strips and check through your blog comments.  Your friends have left some kind compliments there over the past few days and weeks.   The image on the left was posted by Nichola Stephenson.  I wanted to share it with you because you are each of those things!

Check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two. It feels great to be noticed.  Thanks for staying connected!🙌🏼☀️💕

Morning Meeting –  This week I’ve chosen to share classroom favorites of celebrating differences and friendship.  This weeks books are all by Amy Krouse Rosnethal. Let’s start by sharing Spoon, another reminder that it’s important to celebrate who we are. 

Fold and cut a regular piece of white paper into fourths.  On one section write Spoon and one sentence telling what you think the author’s message was or the theme of the book.  What did Spoon learn?  Turn it over and draw a picture of your favorite part of the story – be as simple or as detailed as you’d like.  Put it in a safe place – the plan/hope is that we’ll share your thoughts and pictures on Thursday.

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  If you’d like, here are two  Go Noodle videos: move to U Can’t This  and relax and stretch with Maximo in Surfer Dude .

Shared Reading –  Last week we learned that this is the recipe for a mystery.

1. the characters are introduced and the reader learns about the problem.

2. the detectives work to solve the mystery by interviewing suspects and gathering clues.

3. the mystery is solved.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.  Riddles aren’t easy!  Here are the answers to Thursday’s rhyming riddles: fall, meowed, and ants.  Great problem solving!

Here are some new riddles to solve ~

Riddle #1  What has to be broken before you can use it?

Riddle #2  I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old.  What am I?

Riddle #3  What month of the year has 28 days?

Next listen to this new mystery, Piggins.  Can you find clues to the mystery through the reading?  If you want to see if you can solve it before Piggins does stop the recording on this page and complete the Detective Case Report before finishing the book and see how you’d do as a detective.  (Just so you know, being a detective based on a book alone is hard) Or finish the books to see how the  mystery is solved and then complete Detective Case Report.  Only do one – it’s your thinking that counts!

Take a break, go outside, make a plan with your family to check out vernal pools explore what’s happening in nature.  Sophie’s mom shared this information from The Harris Center ~ how cool would it be to witness this right of Spring, make some art to share what you see and observe.  Mrs. Nardone would be glad to see all the art you create!

Read each and every day! Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book.  If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great.  Enjoy!

At the end of reading today, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder.  Relax.

Writer’s Workshop  –  Finish up any writing you are working on – country inquiry/travel journal if you’re interested or weather writing if you need some time …

Whenever you’re ready for a new writing ideas, here are the Quick Writes for today:

Name one thing you do really well and describe it in detail.

What is your favorite time of day and why?

Describe your favorite hobby or favorite activity.

If I were a raindrop, I’d …

Let’s go… describe your adventure.

or any other topic you’re interested in writing about.

For a quick write you read the prompts, think for a minute or so, choose a topic and write for a full 10 minutes without stopping.  At the end of 10 minutes you choose – are you done, do you have a different idea, do you want to keep going.  When you feel like your piece of writing is done, you can decide to keep to yourself, or to publish it.

Math – This week we are going to explore AREA and unit squares.  We’ve worked with this concept before in Number Corner and when you created the robots  with Mrs. Douglas.  Based on that work, I know there was some confusion.  This week our lessons are about area only.

If you have a printer you need one of these: unit squares – 1 inch  Print it and cut out the small 1″ squares.  If you don’t have a printer, ask someone for help in measuring and cutting 1′ strips of paper and then cut them into 1″ squares.  Save them in a baggie or envelope.  You’ll need them all week.

When people measure area, they find out how many square units it takes to cover a shape with no overlaps of gaps.  We are going to use 1 inch paper squares to measure the area of different rectangles.

  1. Look at this picture of Rectangle Z.  The small square above in the unit square.  Make an estimate.  What is the area of Rectangle Z in square units of this size.  Leave your estimate in a comment – make sure to stick with what you think.  That’s how you learn.

2. Next print out the Area of A B C D   (The page may print smaller than the original. If that happens your Unit Square won’t fit evenly like they are supposed to.  Ask for help if that happens to you.) If you don’t have a printer I’ve shared the rectangle sizes with your families and they can help you.  Find the area of each of the 4 rectangles.  Share what you discover about the area of the four rectangles in a comment, by taking in photo graph or by make about post.

Here are today’s problems to choose from.  See if there are two that feel like just right challenges.   You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper.  It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted.  Thanks!

Piper had 1,215 pencils. 

She divided them into three equal groups.

How many pencils were there in each group?

Paul fed Bamboo three mealworms and four crickets a day.

How many mealworms did Bamboo eat in a week?

How many crickets did Bamboo eat in a week?

How much would Bamboo eat of each insect in a month?

Katherine was making pictures for five friends.

She used three star stickers on each picture.

She used six feathers on each picture.

And she used ten sparkly pom-poms.

How many star stickers did she use in all?

How many feathers did she use in all?

How many sparkly pom-poms did she use in all?

Landon had 120 Legos.  He wanted to divide them evenly so he could build five houses in his village.  How many Legos did he put into each of the five houses?

Vera sorted her Legos by size.  She had 2,567 small Legos, 4,934 medium Legos and 12,385 large Legos.

How many Legos did Vera have altogether?

Vera used 15,768 of the Legos to build a village.

How many Legos were left?

Holden was picking up trash.

He collected: 2,235 bottle caps

                          1,673 straw wrappers and

                          3,092 snack packages.

How much trash did he collect altogether?

Half of what he collected could be recycled. 

How many pieces of trash had to be put into the dumpster?

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. If you want to try Prodigy talk to your parents.  Did anyone else find another game to recommend?  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.  Did anyone else find another game you like.  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.

UA’s for today…

Art Click on new lessons and scroll down to find what Mrs. Nardone has for you to explore in Art today.  If you explore the art gallery you’ll see new artwork this week from Anna and Piper. Remember the recycled instrument challenge for Art, Music and Earth Day (April 22) Technology.  You’ll find the lessons Mrs. Herlihy left here at this link open the lesson that is next for you.

I hope you’ve had a great Monday.  Thanks for staying connected and doing all you can.

You’re amazing!

🌈☀️💕Mrs. Eaves

A Summary of Week 4

Happy Easter.  Here’s the cake Katherine told us she’s be baking!  Yum.  It looks wonderful!

I hope your weekend was wonderfully fun!

Last week we celebrated YOU!  You are each special in so many ways!

You read and wrote about what you’re reading .

We began a new genre study about mysteries.  We solved riddles and  listened to mystery picture books to learn about the elements of that type of story.  Lots of you have made your book selections and we’ll get the books to you so we can begin our mystery book clubs.

You’ve been completing your Travel Journals and will be sharing pictures of your souvenirs.

You shared your favorite characters from Winterhouse, along what character traits and evidence from the story.

Lots of you have worked on an essay about weather.  You chose a type of lead, used your concept map to plan and organize paragraphs about four different weather phenomena.  You learned about topic sentences and finally wrote a conclusion, of the same type as your lead, to wrap the piece up.  On Monday, I hope you will illustrate it  by adding online photographs or creating your own original art or both.  Once you feel your whole piece is ready, submit it for posting.  You have done some amazing writing!  I can’t wait for others to read your fine informational essays or informational narratives.

And finally, you’ve worked with fact families and counters to understand the process of division – creating fair shares or breaking up into groups of…      Landon math

Edward and his family has made a connection through gopeer.org for extra challenges in math.  They are offering all kinds of different topics.  You may want to explore that offering too.

You had the opportunity to keep track of the daily weather, to note what you are grateful for each morning, to meet for chats and stay connected by commenting on each other’s blogs.

You’ve accomplished all this and more.  WOW!

I am proud of you!  I hope you are proud of yourself.  You are accomplishing great things.  Make sure to thank your family for their help and support.  It takes us all working together to get it done.

You Rock!🙌🏼


🐰Mrs. Eaves

Here’s a picture from my grandparent’s nursery.  My second cousin runs it now.  Planting and gardens are just around the corner!

Our Day – Thursday, April 9

Good Morning!  It was so great to see you and  hear how much you care for each other. 

Remember, do what you can and don’t worry about what you can’t.  I know you’re all doing your very best! 🙌🏼  That is all we ask.

Morning Work – Start off by completing your weather graph, note the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see.  Use the symbols on the cloud finder.

Stop to put your gratefulness rock in your pocket. Don’t ignore this part. We need to remind ourselves that there is a lot of good all around us. Add something new to your Gratitude Jar as your day begins.

Then check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two.  It feels good to be connected!✏️👍🏻🕊💕

Keep up with independent reading suggestions by checking out all the comments you’ve each been leaving.  Keep reading each and every day!

Morning Meeting –  This week I chose books to remind us of the importance of celebrating ourselves.  You are brave and adventurous and kind and thoughtful and full of determination!  You should be very proud of all you re accomplishing.

Let’s start by listening to I like Myself by Karen Beaumont.  After you finish listening to the book check this Report from Sesame Street: What Makes You Special?  I know, but it’s got an important message.  If Murray Monster came to interview you, what would you tell him when he asked, “What makes you special?”  What would you show him you can do.  Create a post sharing what makes you special – take a photograph or video.  If you’re like me, you’re thinking, “Special…I’m not really special, but…”  Yes, you are!  I can think of dozens of ways.  Give it a try.  I will too.

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  If you’d like, here are two  Go Noodle videos: move to You Got This and relax with Let’s Unwind.

Shared Reading –  Do you know what a red herring is in a mystery?  Did you figure out what it means to be deductive?  Do you know what an alibi is?  You can find out more about them by looking at Ingredients of a Mystery or The Detective’s Dictionary again.

You did a great job with yesterday’s riddles.

Here are the answers: she was on the bottom rung, a potato, and a sponge.  You had some great answers that were different, but no less correct!

Today’s riddles are rhyming.  See if you can fill in the blanks

Riddle #1  In jumping I am the greatest of all.  In winter I spring! In summer I _____!

Riddle #2 The mice were gathered in a crowd, that is, until the cat _____.

Riddle #3 They came to our picnic!  Acted very rude!  Came uninvited and gobbled our food!  They crawled on our blanket, our ankles and our pants!  Call that a picnic?  Yes, for the ____!

If  you’ve got an answer for any of today’s riddles, leave your guess in a comment.

Today’s mystery is full of alliteration.  Here’s a page from the end of the book that explains what alliteration is and why it’s fun.  There’s also one page for you to look at closely.  You’ll meet the detectives there.










Now let’s listen to Betty’s Burgled Bakery.

If now’s a good time,  have fun creating and illustrating original alliterated tongue twisters. Post them on your blog.

  1.  Pick a consonant.
  2. Write down as may word as you think of that start with that letter. The more alike they sound, the better.
  3. Make up a sentence that uses as many of the words as possible.

Here’s mine: Patterned purple and pink pompoms point at pens, pencils and plants.

Take a break, go outside, run around, sing,  play a game, make some art. Send a picture to Mrs. Nardone.

ReadingFind a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book.  If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great.  Enjoy!

At the end of reading today, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder.  Relax.

Writer’s Workshop  –  Today we’ll continue writing about weather.  Here’s a review of the steps we’ve taken so far if you want to check back on our writing process.

We began with a lead on April 1.

Then we used our concept map to make a plan April 2 and we learned about topic sentences and paragraphing.  You wrote about your first subtopic.

On Monday you wrote about subtopic 2, on Tuesday you wrote about subtopic 3 and yesterday you wrote about subtopic 4.  If you had the time for that, the main part of your weather essay is be done

Today we’re going to learn about writing  the conclusion.  There are four types of conclusions that match our leads.  The conclusion wraps up the whole piece of writing.  It reminds readers of the main idea shared in the lead and uses the same technique to bring the piece of writing to a close.  If you started with dialogue, you end with dialogue.  If you started with questions, you end with answers.  If you started with sounds, you end with sounds. And if you began by creating a snapshot you end the same way.

Make sure the your readers know the extreme weather has passed them by… for now.🌈🌤

When you’re ready to write, go to all posts and open your weather draft.  Read your feedback and make your revisions.  Delete the feedback and add the next new part to your weather essay.  Remember to use your elaboration strategies.  When you have finished writing for today,  STOP, and save your draft.  Don’t submit it.  We’ll work on an illustrating step next week.

(If you have bits and pieces of your travel journal to finish up, do them when you have time.)

Inquiry Workshop – Social Studies  –  Let’s work on our souvenirs this week. You got to see a few examples that other kids have made at the Zoom chat yesterday.  Think about supplies you have on hand, talk to your family and begin creating.  If you need help, ask for it.  Today you may be working on your last souvenir.  The plan is to submit a photograph of your completed souvenirs on sometime next week.

Math – You’ve done a great job with division, remainders and fact families.  Thanks for sharing your work. Today’s warm up is Division Practice.  You need to use what you know about fact families, so get out whatever you use for counters (beads, Legos, pennies…) to help you with this work.

You share them equally in 6 groups:







Or you put them in groups of 6 to find out how many groups there are.





Next, here are today’s problems to choose from.  See if there are two that feel like just right challenges.   You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper.  It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted.  Thanks!

Anna had 63 marbles.  She put equal groups in 7 containers.  How many marbles did Anna put in each container?

Van played basketball for an hour each day of the week.  He practiced shooting baskets.  He shot a basket 22 times each hour.  How many shots did Van take during the week altogether?

Justin was sorting coins.  He had 25 pennies, 12 nickels, 14 dimes and 28 quarters.  How many coins did he have altogether?

How much money were the coins worth altogether?

Max was reading Kid Normal.  He had read the first nine chapters and was on page 105.  If the book has 400 pages, how many pages does Max have left to read?

Sophie went for a walk in the woods.  She kept track of the trees she saw.  She counted 1,250 trees altogether.

She counted 248 beech trees, 175 pine trees and 108 oak trees.

The rest of the trees she counted were maple trees.

How many maple trees did Sophie count?

Elena collected shells on the beach.  She found 1,568 white shells, 2,374 yellow shells and 2,019 speckled shells.

She used 2,465 of her shells to decorate a picture frame. 

How many shells did Elena have left?

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. If you want to try Prodigy talk to your parents.  Did anyone else find another game to recommend?  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.  Did anyone else find another game you like.  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.

UA’s for today…

Spanish ~ I know Señora Murphy has posted some new lessons for you to explore.

And Music ~ Here’s the link to Mrs Oliver’s Online classroom.  Remember, she’d love to hear from you and is hoping you’ll email her pictures of videos of the songs you are learning to play.  Have fun making music!

Mystery Book Clubs

Here are the book choices for our new book clubs.  Preview the choices.  You can see the front and back cover of each book and two pages from a random place in the book. Read them and see if it feels like a good fit.  We’ve got between 4 and 6 copies of each book so you each should be able to get one of your top choices.  List your top three choices in a comment below today or tomorrow, and we’ll figure out how to get these mysteries started!  📚😃🔍

A to Z Mysteries ~Detective Camp 130 pages

Ballpark Mysteries ~ Fenway Foul-Up 95 pages

Brixton Brothers ~ The Case of the Case of Mistaken Identity 179 pages

The Buddy Files ~ The Case of the School Ghost 129 pages

Mariella Mystery Investigates ~ The Spaghetti Yeti 176 pages

Third Grade Detectives~ The Mystery of the Stolen Statue 70 pages

Shredderman ~ Secret Identity 138 pages

Our Day – Wednesday, April 8

Good Morning! I hope you are feeling good about all you are doing.  It’s a lot!  Thank you!  Check this affirmations poster when you’re feeling overwhelmed or not enough.  YOU ARE AMAZING!

Morning Work – I hope you will start off your learning day by completing your weather graph, noting the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see.  Use the symbols on the cloud finder.

Stop to put your gratefulness rock in your pocket. Think of something new that you are grateful for as your day begins and add it to your Gratitude Jar.  Then check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two.

Keep up with independent reading suggestions by checking out all the comments you’ve each been leaving.  Keep reading each and every day!

Morning Meeting –  I have chosen this book today to that remind us again of the importance of celebrating ourselves. School is happening in a whole new way and you are doing it!  W will get through this together and we’ll be stronger because of our determination.

Let’s start by listening to Naked Mole Rat Get’s Dressed.  Wilbur started a trend, just by asking, “why not?” It was cool that Grand-pah take him seriously.  It seems to me, Wilbur helped all the mole rats have a good time – “no exceptions.”

After thinking about what Wilbur had done, I wanted to make sure you knew how to exercise your power of positivity.  Wendy Baker shared these pages on her site Thinking Zing.  They can help us thing like Wilbur – “what if” and “why not.”  What’s on your bucket list?  What do you like?  What do you look forward to accomplishing in your life?  Here’s a brainstorming guide.  It is a list of questions and prompts designed to make the Bucket List Activity easier to complete. When you’ve finished (and you don’t have to finish this in one day) share on your blog. Lots of times sharing your hopes and dreams with others means they can help you achieve them.

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  If you’d like, here are two  Go Noodle videos to move here with Believer and here to develop confidence with Chin up.

How are you feeling about mysteries and the elements of that genre?

Shared Reading –  You did a great job with yesterday’s riddles.  Here are the answers: silverware and dishes, the alphabet and your voice

Riddle #1  A girl fell off a 20 foot ladder.  She wasn’t hurt.  Why?

Riddle #2 What has lots of eyes, but can’t see?

Riddle #3 What is full of holes, but still holds water?

If  you’ve got an answer for any of today’s riddles, leave your guess in a comment.

Listen to this mystery,  The Deductive Detective.  See if you can figure out what deductive means.  After listening complete The Detective Case Report for this book too.  You did a great job with this yesterday.  Please find a way to share it by sending a photo in an email or by creating a post on your blog.

Take a break, go outside, look for new signs of spring, practice your recorder, make some art.

Here’s a note from Mrs. Oliver ~ I know it isn’t a music day yet, but this is a cool new project and I thought you’d like to get started!

The 50th anniversary of Earth Day will be celebrated April 22, 2020.  In honor of that day, I am offering all students an opportunity to create an instrument using items you would normally recycle.  I have uploaded a video to my website with more information.  This is optional but I think it will be fun.  If you take time to decorate your instrument, please send an image to Mrs. Nardone.  Mrs. Oliver would love to see and hear your instrument being played.  Send those clips to moliver@sau21.org
I also have a new recorder song for students to watch, learn and play along.  Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to send me videos of students playing their recorder songs.  I would love to see and hear from more students.  It is the only way I know if you are participating in music while we are apart.
Here is my website where you can find lots of videos of recorder songs and the information on Recycled Instruments.
Enjoy your music making and be well.
Mrs. Oliver

ReadingFind a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book.  If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great.  Enjoy!

At the end of reading today, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, count the birds in your yard.  Relax.

Writer’s Workshop  –  Today we’ll continue writing about weather.  Here’s a review of the steps we’ve taken so far if you need to catch up with the process.

We began with a lead.

Then we used our concept map to make a plan.  We learned about topic sentences and paragraphing.  You wrote about your first subtopic paragraph.

We’ve followed those same steps to  write about subtopic 2, and subtopic 3.

When you’re ready to write today, go to all posts and open your weather post.  Read your feedback and make revisions paragraphs.  Delete the feedback and add the next new paragraph(s) about that one subtopic.  Remember to use your elaboration strategies.  When you have finished writing about that subtopic  STOP and save your draft.  Don’t submit it.  You’ll be learning more about the conclusion the next time you write.

(If you have bits and pieces of your travel journal to finish up, do them when you have time.)

Inquiry Workshop – Social Studies  –  This is week to create our souvenirs. You may have found your souvenir planner in your blue folder.  If you didn’t, here’s a copy – souvenir planner – think about supplies you have on hand, talk to your family and then begin creating.  If you need help, ask for it.  Today, hopefully, you’re working on souvenir 3.  The plan is to submit a photograph of your completed souvenirs on Monday, April 13.

think this may be where our  1:00 Zoom meeting will fit.  Today we’ll be talking about what makes a mystery a mystery.  What kind of mysteries would you like to explore and solve?

MathHere are  today’s warm-ups Fact Family Arrays and Fact Family Triangles.  Both of them are practicing with fact families.  I know you understand this concept at this point.  Take time with the equations and notice if they are facts you know automatically.  If they are not write them down put them on your mirror, repeat them often until they do become automatic.  Knowing your facts in all four operations makes all of math so much easier.

How did Line ‘Em Up go yesterday?  If you have time, play again to feel more comfortable with remainders.  Not every amount can be divided evenly

Next, here are today’s problems to choose from.  See if there are two that feel like just right challenges.   You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper.  It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted.  Thanks!

Edward was building a model of the St. Basil’s Cathedral with Legos.  He had 2,035 bricks in a bin when he started building.

When he was finished there were 68 bricks left. 

How many Legos did Edward use in his building project?

Van, Vera and Landon are learning about the size of their countries in square miles.

France is 248,573 square miles.

Italy is 116,437 square miles

Greece is 50,949 square miles.

How many square miles do those three countries cover altogether in Europe?

How much bigger is France than Germany?

How much bigger is Italy than Greece?

Katherine and Landin are learning about the number of people who live in their countries.  They are comparing the population

Brazil has 212,207,808 people living there.

Peru has 32,864,434 people living there.

How many people is that altogether?

How many more people live in Brazil than in Peru?

Estella was building a model of the Great Wall of China with Legos.  She had 534 bricks in a bin when she started building.

When she was finished there were 89 bricks left. 

How many Legos did Estella use in her building project?

Holden and Max are learning about the size of their countries in square miles.

Australia is 2,970,000 square miles.

Egypt is 390,100 square miles.

How many square miles do the two countries cover altogether?

How much bigger is Australia than Egypt?

May learned that kiwi birds weigh about 5 ½ pounds.  If she had 12 kiwi birds, how much would they weigh altogether?

Ostriches weigh about 320 pounds.  How many kiwis would it take to equal the weight of one ostrich?

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. If you want to try Prodigy talk to your parents.  Did anyone else find another game to recommend?  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.  Did anyone else find another game you like.  Leave the name in a comment so we can all have fun.

UA’s for today…

Spanish ~ I know Señora Murphy has posted some new lessons for you to explore. Library ~ there are lots of great resources there for read aloud, and opportunities to draw with author illustrators like Mo Willems (Piggie and Gerald) and Jarrett Krosoczka (Lunch Lady)

I hope you had a Wonderful Wednesday!

Thanks for all the work you do!  You make a difference every day!


💕Mrs. Eaves