Here Are This Week’s Blog Prompts

We’ve been exploring Growth Mindset.  Jerome had a passion for words that he shared with the world.  Mindful the monkey asked for help when he realized his problem was too big to solve on his own.  Dizzy the dolphin chose to care about others.  Saul didn’t give up on his dream.  He was an unusual pirate, but he did have his own special flair.  Using these book characters as mentors, think about  strategies you might offer others who are working through challenging situations, learning something new or dealing with friends.  How can we keep a positive attitude when trying new things?  What choices do you make when you are learning something that really matters to you?  Maybe this week’s blog prompts will help you discover some new ideas that help you become more confident and willing push yourself to do more.

  • Has there ever been something that you were not good at in the beginning, but then through practice you became good at it? Tell your story.
  • Describe what it feels like to work hard for something.
  • If someone could help you to get better at something, what would you want to get better at? Explain why you want to be good at this.
  • What are you passionate about learning? What do you get excited about learning?  Why?
  • Who inspires you? Explain why and how.
  • Other…

Check our blogs to find out which prompts we chose.  Please leave a comment when you do.