Good Morning! I hope you had a great week-end.
Morning Work – Start off your learning day by completing your weather graph, note the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see. Use the symbols on the cloud finder.
Next, pick up you gratitude rock and think of something new to add to your Gratitude Jar. I don’t know if you are keeping up with this practice, but I do know it will help to find the “silver lining in the rain clouds.” (Ask your family about that expression if you don’t know it yet.)
Check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two. Thank you to the four people who have made this a regular part of your morning. Your comments are real gifts to your classmates. 🎁 🎉👏🏽 Thanks for staying connected!
Morning Meeting– Today we’ll share and compare two versions of The Grasshopper and the Ants; one from Jerry Pinkney’s illustrated collection and another from Mary Ann Hoberman’s Very Short Fables for Two Voices. (Thanks to Mr. Eaves for reading the second voice.)
One version is longer than the other and each has different illustrations. Look beyond those obvious differences, to reflect on which version and moral speaks to you and connects more closely to how you hope people will treat each other. Leave a comment explaining which version you liked better and why. Also, please tell what the moral means to you.
Take a break, get a snack and move around. If you’d like, here are two Go Noodle videos: move to You Got This and focus with Rainbow Breath.
Shared Reading – We’ll solve riddles and listen to mysteries.
Here are the riddle answers from last Wednesday: #1 heat travels faster, anyone can catch cold ,#2 here’s how to turn eight 8’s into 1,000 by adding: 888+88+8+8+8, and #3. there were 40 squares in the picture.
Here are some new riddles for today ~
#1 A clerk at the butcher shop is 6 feet tall, and wears size 10 shoes. What does he weigh?
#2 A cowboy rode into town of Friday. he sated in town for three days and roads back out on Friday. How is that possible?
#3 Remove 6 matches to make 10.
Listen to Miss Nelson is Missing.
In a comment, share how you solved the mystery – make sure to include all the clues you found in the words and illustrations to provide proof for your claim.
Use all that you’ve learned by listening and reading mysteries to continue on with our mystery planning activities. Go to our Google Classroom. Open the new assignment ~ Create An Intriguing Mystery with a Puzzle to Solve. I hope you’ll finish this worksheet and turn it in today, or tomorrow.
Take a break, go outside, run around, sing, play a game, make some art.
Independent Reading – Keep reading each and every day! Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book. If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great. Enjoy!
At the end of reading, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.
Book Club Reminders – Detective Camp meets today at the end of the Zoom Chat to discuss Chapter 3.
The Case of the School Ghosts meet tomorrow at 10:30 to discuss Chapter 3.
The Brixton Brothers meets tomorrow at 11:00 to discuss Chapter 4, 5 and 6.
Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder ~ Mrs. Oliver really wants to hear from you. Relax.
Writer’s Workshop – Take this time to finish up any writing projects you are in the middle of – country inquiry/travel journal or finishing the souvenirs. You may also want to finalize your weather writing and illustrations.
Several of you began stories last week. Please continue adding to them. Don’t leave us in suspense. 😲 Remember, if you’d like to submit something to NHPBS Kids Writers Contest, the deadline is May 31.
If you’re ready for a new writing idea, here are today’s Quick Writes:
- Climbing trees is…
- If I were a turtle living in a pond, I would…
- I wish trees could _____ because…
- The most perfect place in the while wide world is _____ because…
- or any other topic you’d like writing about.
Read the prompts, think for a minute or so, choose a topic and write for a full 10 minutes without stopping. At the end of 10 minutes you choose – are you done, do you have a different idea, do you want to keep going. It would be fun to see some of your writing on your blog this week.
Remember to use elaboration strategies. Here are our anchor charts to remind you how to write elaborate sentences AND elaborate paragraphs, essays and stories:
Adding Description and Details
Adding Action
Adding Dialogue
Adding Inner Thought
Math Workshop–
Begin with a math warm-up worksheet to review and remember our work with a Mixed Review Fractions, Multiplication & Division
We are beginning an Investigation of Polygons. “What’s a polygon?” you ask. We haven’t talked much about them or angles since October. Polygons are shapes. Polygons are closed, 2-dimensional, straight sided shapes. Here is a picture of a few different polygons.
In our exploration we’ll be exploring the attributes of many different shapes. We are going to explore a special quadrilateral today ~ a rectangle. What are the attributes that define rectangles and set them apart from all other quadrilaterals?
We’ll be thinking about their sides ~ are they parallel, are they perpendicular? We’ll be thinking about their corners (the correct mathematical word is vertices)~ are they right, acute or obtuse angles.
Here are some of the ways we can describe different shapes. We will use these terms to create a definitions of shapes. Today we’ll be thinking about what makes a rectangle, a rectangle.
Here is a picture of the top part of a worksheet you’ll be completing today. Look at the two sets of shapes and see if you can figure out what makes a rectangle.
Look at the sides in the rectangle group. Are opposite sides parallel? Are opposite sides different lengths? Are the angles (corners) right, obtuse or acute? Use these ideas to complete this worksheet: What Makes a Rectangle So Special?. Please find a way to share this with me today ~ send an email, or create a post on your blog. Thank you. It will help me plan lessons you understand more easily.
Next, here are today’s problems to choose from. See if there are two that feel like just right challenges. You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper. It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted. Thanks!
Van removed 29 candies from the jar. There were originally 78 candies. How many candies are left in the jar?
There are 34 peanuts in each box. Justin has 7 boxes. How many peanuts does he have altogether? He uses half of them when he bakes cookies. How many peanuts does he have left?
Max has 68 apples. He shares 24 with Elena and 18 with Sophie. How many apples does Max have left?
Piper is getting art supplies. Each eraser costs $3.00. How much do 46 erasers cost?
Each colored pencil costs $1.50. How much to 24 colored pencils cost? How much will Piper spend altogether on art supplies?
There are 63 candies in Katherine’s candy collection. If the candies are divided into 3 groups, how many candies will be in each group?
Paul has 20 pencils. They are put away in boxes of 5. How many boxes of pencils does Paul have?
If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. You may want to try Prodigy . It’s a fun game that you can play with friends.
UA’s for today…
Art – Click on new lessons and scroll down to find what Mrs. Nardone has for you to explore in Art today. If you explore the art gallery you’ll see new artwork this week in Gallery 1 from Van, Anna, May, Edward and Sophie. You’ll see new artwork from Van and Justin in Gallery 2 and you’ll find photographs from Anna and May in the Photograph Gallery.
Technology – You’ll find the lessons Mrs. Herlihy left here at this link open the lesson that is next for you.
I hope you’ve had a great Monday. Thanks for staying connected and doing all you can.
🌎🌳🌻💕 Mrs. Eaves