Happy Easter. Here’s the cake Katherine told us she’s be baking! Yum. It looks wonderful!
I hope your weekend was wonderfully fun!
Last week we celebrated YOU! You are each special in so many ways!
You read and wrote about what you’re reading .
We began a new genre study about mysteries. We solved riddles and listened to mystery picture books to learn about the elements of that type of story. Lots of you have made your book selections and we’ll get the books to you so we can begin our mystery book clubs.
You’ve been completing your Travel Journals and will be sharing pictures of your souvenirs.
You shared your favorite characters from Winterhouse, along what character traits and evidence from the story.
Lots of you have worked on an essay about weather. You chose a type of lead, used your concept map to plan and organize paragraphs about four different weather phenomena. You learned about topic sentences and finally wrote a conclusion, of the same type as your lead, to wrap the piece up. On Monday, I hope you will illustrate it by adding online photographs or creating your own original art or both. Once you feel your whole piece is ready, submit it for posting. You have done some amazing writing! I can’t wait for others to read your fine informational essays or informational narratives.
And finally, you’ve worked with fact families and counters to understand the process of division – creating fair shares or breaking up into groups of… Landon math
Edward and his family has made a connection through gopeer.org for extra challenges in math. They are offering all kinds of different topics. You may want to explore that offering too.
You had the opportunity to keep track of the daily weather, to note what you are grateful for each morning, to meet for chats and stay connected by commenting on each other’s blogs.
You’ve accomplished all this and more. WOW!
I am proud of you! I hope you are proud of yourself. You are accomplishing great things. Make sure to thank your family for their help and support. It takes us all working together to get it done.
You Rock!🙌🏼
🐰Mrs. Eaves
Here’s a picture from my grandparent’s nursery. My second cousin runs it now. Planting and gardens are just around the corner!