It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersby Caleb

There were 3,734 lost dogs.  The pound split them into 2 groups.  How many dogs were there in each group?  2/4 of the dogs escaped.  How many dog were there now?

by Elias

If there are 249 pages in My Life as a Gamer and Elias ripped 102 pages out of it, how many pages were left?  He had to pay $50.00 for it and he had $63.00 in his bank account.  How much money would he have left?

by Max

There were 3 teams in one development.  In all there were 69 players.  How many kids were on each team?  On each team, three kids left to play on other teams.  Now many kids were there playing on a team?

by Aiden

There were 116 chocolate bars and there were 27 chocolate chips on each bar.  How many chocolate chips were there altogether?  49 of the chips were eaten.  How many were left?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersby Adelle

Adelle and Logan threw a party for all the 3rd graders.  Logan orders some pizzas.  There were 12 pieces of pizza in each box.  Three were 46 people at the party.  If everyone has 2 pieces of pizza, how many boxes of pizza did Logan order?

by Allie

Dillan and Abi went apple picking.  Dylan picked 180 apples.  Abi picked 282 apples.  How many apples did Abi pick more than Dillan?  How many apples did they pick altogether?

by Dillan

Sam and Faith had 3 packs of goldfish crackers.  Each pack had 20 crackers in them.  They had 3 packs for 2 weeks.  How many goldfish crackers did they each have?

by Seamus

At NHS there was a pizza party.  There were 4 cheese pizzas.  There were 8 pepperoni pizzas.  There were 2 mushroom pizzas.  If each pizza had 12 slices, how many slices would there be?  If 1/3 of the pizzas got eaten how many slices were left?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

Hi everyone!  How is your summer beginning?  I’ve been at school a bit each day this week.  The room is starting to look packed and emptied.  I think I’ll be done by Friday.  That’s my goal.  At the end of the year you wrote some great math problems for each other to solve.  Here are a few.  Each Wednesday I’ll post a few more. Leave your math thinking and solutions in a comment.  Happy Mathing!

numbersby Abi

If you were at a party and you had 7 sliced of pizza per box and you had 79 people at the party, how many pizzas would you need to order?

by Max

In the hockey try outs in the locker room Max was there with 13 other people.  In the other locker room there was 17 people.  If there were 18 kids who were late, but came, how may players were there altogether?     If 2/4 of the kids had to leave early, how many players were left at the try outs?

by Grace H

Yesterday morning there were 40 pencils at our table.  At the end of the day, there were 25 pencils.  How many pencils got lost/used up/broken?

by Nolan

Elias and Caleb were on the nature trail.  They picked up 1,237 acorns, 9,999 leaves and 8,872 stones.  Nolan picked up 2,789 oak galls.  How many things did they pick up altogether?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersGrace has 83 stickers.  She decided to keep 19 stickers for herself (the Minions) and divide the rest equally between 8 friends.  How many stickers did Grace give to each friend?

Round each of the following numbers to the nearest 10.

65 _____           138 _____          201 _____

Round each of the following numbers to the nearest 100.

93 _____           1,488 _____           237 _____

In April 3E picked up 492 pieces of trash from the playground.  In May, they picked up 309 pieces of trash from the playground.  How many pieces of trash did 3E pick up in April and May?  How many more pieces of trash did 3E pick up in April than I’m May?

Allie has to multiply 5 x 80.  She says she can find 5 times 8 and then multiply that by 10.  Do you agree with Allie?  Explain why or why not.

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersGrace had 36 beads to make 4 bracelets.  She wanted to divide all the beads evenly among the 4 bracelets.  How many beads will she have for each bracelet?

Write a story problem for this equation:  24 ÷ 6 = 4

Fill in the missing number in each equation.

5 x ___ = 35                                    ___ = 9 x 3

18÷ ___ = 6                                    8= 32÷ ___

Abi was organizing supplies for the 5K.  She had 8 packs of water.  Each pack had 6 bottles of water in it.  She also had 53 bottles of juice.  How many bottles of water and juice does Abi have altogether?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

multiplication tableUse the multiplication table to help you answer the following questions.

a.) Why does 6 times 7 have the same product as 7 times 6?

b.) Is the product of 7 times 8 odd or even?  Why?

c.) What do you notice about the products of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10?  Write at least one observation.

d.) Grace says that 9 x 4 is the same as (6 x 4) + (3 x 4).  Do you agree with Grace?  Why or why not?  Explain your answer as fully as you can.


It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersAiden and Caleb bought a large pizza to share.  Caleb ate 5/8 of the pizza. What fraction of the pizza was left for Aiden?

Grace spent 4/9 of her money and saved the rest.  What fraction of her money did Grace save?

Logan baked a cake.  She ate 1/12 of the cake and gave 7/12 of the cake to her friends.  What fraction of the cake was left?

Kayla and Seamus shared 18 cookies.  Kayla ate 1/6 of the cookies.  Seamus ate 1/3 of the cookies.  How many cookies were left?

There are usually 30 students in Mr. Hooper’s 3rd grade gym class.  1/5 of the students were absent.  How many students were in class?

It Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersDillan had four ten dollar bills.  Her older brother, Laird, has seven five dollar bills.  They combine their money to buy a gift for their mother that costs $58.95.  How much change will they receive?

Elias’ went outside to play at 3:15.  When he was outside, he played with his dog for sixteen minutes.  Then he rode his bike for twenty-seven minutes.  He spent the rest of the time catching looking for tadpoles.  It was 4:08 when Elias went back in the house.  How many minutes did Elias spend looking for tadpoles?

Max and Allie ran a snack stand in their front yard.  They sold cookies for $.25, apples for $.16 and cupcakes for $.35.  They sold five cookies, seven apples and four cupcakes.  How much money did they make altogether?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersElias had 5 bunches of balloons.  There were 17 balloons in each bunch.  How many balloons did Elias have altogether?  The wind got strong and blew 79 away, how many balloons did Elias have left?

Write a story problem for this equation:  5 x 9=45.  Leave it in a comment.

Abi and Dillan are getting ready for the Girls on the Run 5K.  They have 8 packs of water.  Each pack has 6 bottles of water in it.  They also have 53 bottles of juice.  How many bottles of water and juice do Abi and Dillan have altogether?

At the end of the race they had 36 drinks left.  How many waters and juices did the runners of the 5K drink?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersThere are 32 desks in Mrs. Haas’ class.  If Mrs. Haas puts 8 desks in each row, how many rows will there be?

Nolan and five friends were looking at their basketball cards.  There were 42 cards.  If each of the six friends shared the cards so they had the same amount, how many cards would each of them have?

Dillan paints 3 paintings per day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  She paints 5 paintings per day on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Dillon wants to have a total of 30 paintings done in the week. How many paintings will Dillan have to paint on Sunday to reach her goal of 30 paintings in the week?