It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

On the last gym class of 2016, Mrs. Yeaton offered a challenge.  Work as a team.  Select 16 items from the supplies.  Use all 16 pieces to create a snowman.



The class started at 10:15.  The snowmen were finished at 10:43.  How much time did the class use to complete the challenge?

There were five groups.  How many items were selected from the supplies altogether?

Each group had 13 minutes of building time.  How many minutes did the teams use altogether?  If you changed that amount into hours and minutes, how long would the time be then?

Maybe tomorrow there will be enough snow to build a snowman outside.  I hope so.  Enjoy the rest of your vacation!  🙂


It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

who am I - startWe’ve had a terrific week celebrating science and scientists!  Thank you families for your incredible help and support with our “Who Am I?” project. It was clear that our class knows a lot more about science and scientists than we did before.  Science in one way for us to insure that the world remain an exciting place – full of possibility, discoveries and excitement.  What doors can we open with our questions?

There were seventeen scientists.  Each scientist shared five of the tools he or she uses to do their job.  It took each scientist 6 minutes to share that information.

How many tools were shared in all?

How many minutes did it take for all the scientists to share their information?

Samantha told us that astronomy was one of the first sciences.  Galileo was one of the first scientists known as an astronomer.  He was born in 1564.  How many years ago was that?

Tera is an ichthyologist – a scientist who studies fish.  

There are 33,100 known species (kinds) of fish.

Mackenzie is a lepidopterist – a scientist who studies butterflies and moths.  There are 162,000 species of moths and butterflies.  How many more species do lepidopterists know of than ichthyologist?  

Our world is full of ideas, questions and challenges.  Will you be a scientist who finds the answers to our many questions and wonderings?

who am I - end

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersThere were four bowls of mints in the library.  Each bowl had 213 mints in it.  How many mints were there altogether?

At the end of the day there were 306 mints left.  How many mints had been eaten that day?

In the office there were five cups full of candy canes.  Each cup had 64 candy canes in it.  How many candy canes were there altogether?

Kindergarten used 172 of them while making gingerbread houses.  How many candy canes were left?

If you solve a problem leave a comment to share you great math thinking.  Happy Math!

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersJayce started playing basketball at 5:30.  He played for 45 minutes.  What time was it when Jayce stopped playing?

Zack’s hockey practice was 75 minutes long.  He left the rink at 5:30.  What time did his hockey practice begin?

Liam went skateboarding at Rye Airfield.  He arrived at 12:40.  He stayed for an hour and twenty minutes.  What time was it when Liam went home?

It’s Wednesday – here are some math problems to solve

numbersTera said she would make snowflakes for the 6 friends who asked her to make them one.  It takes her 21 minutes to make each snowflake.

How many minutes will it take Tera to make all six snowflakes?

Tera’s bedtime is 8:15.  If she starts making the snowflakes at 6:25 is she going to be able to finish everyone snowflakes before she has to go to bed?  Or is she going need a second night?  Explain how you know.

8e5ebcd42ef07d7fb13ae7662ab3f68aSamantha decided that she would make pipe cleaner monkeys for her 17 classmates.  She thought they were fun and hoped her friends would too.  She needed 5 pipe cleaners to make each monkey.  How many pipe cleaners did she need altogether?

It took her 12 minutes to make each monkey.  How much time did it take her to make all 17 monkeys?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersHappy Thanksgiving!  I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating with gratitude and joy.

There were 4 pies on the Thanksgiving table.  Each pie was cut into 8 slices.  How many slices of pie were there altogether?

There were 12 people at the Thanksgiving feast.  Two of them had 2 pieces of pie.  The rest had 1 piece.  How many pieces of pie were left for the next day?

imagesThere are always nuts to snack on at Thanksgiving.  There were 125 walnuts in the bag and we had 3 bags.  How many walnuts were there altogether?

We we cracked them we tried to make them split in the middle so we could make ornaments from the halves.  We got 29 of the walnuts to split perfectly.  How many ornaments could we make?







unknown-2There are usually 18 feathers in a turkey’s fan tail.  There were 14 turkeys eating the acorns in my yard.  How many fan tail feathers would that be altogether?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersHi 3E!  I hope you are finding your way to our blog because you’re looking for problems to solve and are excited about what we’re discovering in math.  Have fun solving problems with multiplication or problems with rounding to the nearest 10.  Type your math thinking in a comment. 🙂

Keegan has 236 songs on his iPod.  If you were rounding to the nearest 10 how many songs would you say he had?

Rachael had 312 song in her iPod.  If you were rounding to the nearest 10 how many songs would you say she had?

If you added their songs together, found the total and then rounded it to the nearest 10, how many songs would you say they had altogether?

Sully was at basketball practice.  There were 12 kids on his team.  Each teammate got to practice shooting.  They worked on layups and foul shots.  Each player practiced 5 layups and 6 foul shots.  How may shots were practice altogether by Sully’s team?

Gabby was in a play.  She practiced her lines 20 minutes in the morning before school and 15 minutes after school each day for two weeks. Over the weekends she spent 45 minutes practicing each day.  How many minutes did Gabby spend practicing her lines for the play?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersby Seamus

Seamus hit 8 Grand Slams.  He hit 2 double home runs!  How many total points is that?

by Dillan

Nolan made 10 shots in basketball for two full weeks in January.  In February he mad 5 shots for three full weeks.  How many shots did Nolan make altogether?

by Allie

One day an owner has 3,488 puppies.  He put 28 of the puppies in puppy day-care and  300 in the backyard which was 1,000 meters long.  How many puppies did he have in the house to snuggle with?

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersby Abi

If you went to the bakery with 7 of your friends and three of them got cupcakes, one got a cookie and the other three got five candies each, how many things did they buy at the bakery?

Later they each got a pair of shoes that cost $19.48.  How much money did they spend for shoes?

by Nolan

There were 9,287 basketballs.  2,729 got popped.  They got 1,277 fixed.  How many basketballs are there now?

by Grace H

Last weekend my family watched The Angry Bird Movie.  My mom and dad each ordered a large popcorn.  Each had 60 popcorn kernels.  Olivia and I  each orders a small popcorn.  Each had 30 popcorn kernels in the bag.  How many in all?

Olivia and I each ate 25 popcorn kernels and my partner each ate 45 popcorn kernels.  How many did we eat in all?

(Make sure you check out Caleb’s new post about dragons.)

It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersby Kayla

The Secrets According to Humphrey book club read 635 pages.  There were 1,725 pages in total.  How many pages did the club have left to read?

Each time the book club met, they would read exactly 127 pages.  How many times had the book club met so far?

by Logan

Everybody in 3E had an artist-writer’s workshop journal.  There were 500 pages in each one.  Logan had two days in a week to do 4 pages in her sketch book.  Every week she filled 4 pages.  How many weeks did it take her to finish one sketch book?

by Heidi

Mrs. Pufferson had 24 brothers. She divided them into 6 groups.  How many brothers were in each group?

by Ivan

3e was having a pizza party.  There were 50 slices of cheese pizza and 550 slices of pepperoni pizza.  How many slices were there altogether?