It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersby Adelle

Adelle and Logan threw a party for all the 3rd graders.  Logan orders some pizzas.  There were 12 pieces of pizza in each box.  Three were 46 people at the party.  If everyone has 2 pieces of pizza, how many boxes of pizza did Logan order?

by Allie

Dillan and Abi went apple picking.  Dylan picked 180 apples.  Abi picked 282 apples.  How many apples did Abi pick more than Dillan?  How many apples did they pick altogether?

by Dillan

Sam and Faith had 3 packs of goldfish crackers.  Each pack had 20 crackers in them.  They had 3 packs for 2 weeks.  How many goldfish crackers did they each have?

by Seamus

At NHS there was a pizza party.  There were 4 cheese pizzas.  There were 8 pepperoni pizzas.  There were 2 mushroom pizzas.  If each pizza had 12 slices, how many slices would there be?  If 1/3 of the pizzas got eaten how many slices were left?

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