It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

Hi everyone!  How is your summer beginning?  I’ve been at school a bit each day this week.  The room is starting to look packed and emptied.  I think I’ll be done by Friday.  That’s my goal.  At the end of the year you wrote some great math problems for each other to solve.  Here are a few.  Each Wednesday I’ll post a few more. Leave your math thinking and solutions in a comment.  Happy Mathing!

numbersby Abi

If you were at a party and you had 7 sliced of pizza per box and you had 79 people at the party, how many pizzas would you need to order?

by Max

In the hockey try outs in the locker room Max was there with 13 other people.  In the other locker room there was 17 people.  If there were 18 kids who were late, but came, how may players were there altogether?     If 2/4 of the kids had to leave early, how many players were left at the try outs?

by Grace H

Yesterday morning there were 40 pencils at our table.  At the end of the day, there were 25 pencils.  How many pencils got lost/used up/broken?

by Nolan

Elias and Caleb were on the nature trail.  They picked up 1,237 acorns, 9,999 leaves and 8,872 stones.  Nolan picked up 2,789 oak galls.  How many things did they pick up altogether?

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