It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersby Caleb

There were 3,734 lost dogs.  The pound split them into 2 groups.  How many dogs were there in each group?  2/4 of the dogs escaped.  How many dog were there now?

by Elias

If there are 249 pages in My Life as a Gamer and Elias ripped 102 pages out of it, how many pages were left?  He had to pay $50.00 for it and he had $63.00 in his bank account.  How much money would he have left?

by Max

There were 3 teams in one development.  In all there were 69 players.  How many kids were on each team?  On each team, three kids left to play on other teams.  Now many kids were there playing on a team?

by Aiden

There were 116 chocolate bars and there were 27 chocolate chips on each bar.  How many chocolate chips were there altogether?  49 of the chips were eaten.  How many were left?

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