Our Day ~ Wednesday, May 27

👋🏻☀️🌎Good Morning! As we finish up our  tour of  the regions of the United States, I hope you’ll make time to watch the videos and read-alouds to gain a stronger awareness of the unique features of each region in our country.🏜

Morning Work – Thanks for continuing our morning gratitude practice.  Take a look at these pictures from our National Parks.  They are from Bryce Canyon in Utah, Arches in Utah, Mount Rainier in Washington and The Badlands in South Dakota.   Our country is stunning and grand.  What will you add to your Gratitude Jar today?💗

Thank you for taking  time to read each others blogs and leave a comment or two.  Your compliments are an important part of staying connected!💕🙌🏼💐

Morning Meeting–  In our Social Problem Solving practice we’re very good at naming our feelings and making “I statements.”  Let’s practice the next part of the process ~ setting goals and brainstorming ideas by reflecting and wondering about others.   What can we do differently to change upsetting or annoying situation?

To get started, listen to Horace and Morris, but Mostly Dolores.  Do you know about peer pressure?  It’s when you feel like you should or shouldn’t do something  because it seems like everyone else your age is doing it. Horace and Morris do what boys have to do.  Dolores does what a girl has to do, even though it makes them unhappy.  Think about times when you’ve been excluded or ignored.  Write a letter here to Horace and Morris or maybe Dolores ~ …Problem Solving Practice or in Google Classroom.

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  If you’d like, here are two Go Noodle videos: move to Never Eat Soggy Waffles  and workout doing The Touchdown Dance.

🏔🏕Social Studies and Reading🛶🐊

Shared Reading –  We’ll explore two regions of the country.  Listen to Traveling with Charlie ~ Travelin’ the Northeast and Traveling with Charlie ~ Down South.   Take a break in between them.

Choose a state from each region.  Leave your choices and reasons in a comment.  Now you have a list of four states ~ one from each region. What one do you think you’ll have most fun learning new things about?  We’ll begin working on that tomorrow ~ just think for now.

Take a break, go outside, run around, sing,  play a game, make some art.

📚Independent ReadingKeep reading each and every day! Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book.  If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great.  Enjoy!

At the end of reading, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.📖

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder.  Relax.

✏️Writer’s Workshop  – If you’ve got a writing project to finish, please work on that.  This week’s prompts are a random collection. Challenge yourself to write something different ~ a poem, a play, a song, a news article, a puppet show…  Write as if you’re a sports announcer, or a meteorologist, a chicken or a pig…

If you’re ready for a new writing idea, here are today’s Quick Writes:📝

  • Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon? Why?
  • When is it challenging to be a good friend? How do you handle those situations?
  • Write a short story using the words pizza, kazoo, tree house, puppy, and bicycle
  • Write about some of your favorite memories with your best friend.
  • Other ~ write about any thing that you find interesting today.

Read the prompts, think for a minute or so, choose a topic and write for a full 10 minutes without stopping.  At the end of 10 minutes you choose – are you done, do you have a different idea, do you want to keep going.  It would be fun to see some of your writing on your blog this week.

🔢Math Workshop – Start by listening to The 329th Friend.  Many of the worksheets and activities you will do are about the characters in this book and  the story.  If you don’t listen to it first, math will be confusing.  Plus it’s a fun book.  Poor Emery Raccoon!🦝

Emery had a lot of planning to do make sure there was enough table space for all his guests.  He had to think about both area and perimeter.  Did he have enough space in his yard for the tables?  Was the perimeter around his table long enough for all his guest to find a seat?

Here’s what it would look like if he set a table up for four people.  Emery wondered what it would be like if he put two tables together.  He found that would make space for six people to sit.  Next he wonder how he could make space for ten people and this is what he discovered.

He decided that groups of 18 might be nice.  Emery had 6 square tables to use, but he wasn’t sure he would use them all.  Each table seats 4, one on each side. Please help Emery find all the possible ways he can arrange his tables to seat 18 people.

To do this you’ll need the 1″ paper squares you cut out on April 13.  Here’s another unit squares – 1 inch if you can’t find them. Record your work here: The 329th Friend ~ Seating for 18.

Next, here are today’s problems to choose from.  See if there are two that feel like just right challenges.   You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper.  It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted.  Thanks!

Landin had $25.00.  She went to Target.  She bought the new Shopkin Shopper Pack for $10.99.

She bought a bottle of pink nail polish for $3.00.

She bought a bottle of blue nail polish for $3.00

How much money did Landin spend altogether?

How much money did Landin have left after shopping?

Landon has 21,850 crayons.  Holden has 17,039 crayons.

How many more crayons does Landon have than Holden has?

Vera has 2,258 more crayons than Landon has. 

How many crayons does Vera have?

When Landon, Holden and Vera put their crayons altogether to donate them to kid who don’t have art supplies, how many crayons will they donate altogether?

Edward has 10,000 balloons. 2,126 of the balloon are blue. 3,486 are red.  2,029 are yellow.  The rest of the balloons are different shades of green.

How many of the balloons are green?

675 of the green balloons are star shaped.  The rest are round.  How many round, green balloons does Edward have?

Brady’s family had a cookout. 

They used five packages of hotdogs and three packages of hamburgers.

There were 12 hotdogs in each package. There were 6 hamburgers in each of those packages.

How many hotdogs did they use altogether?

How many hamburgers did they use altogether?

Van went for a walk.  He collected food for the birds.

He found 135 acorns, 46 pinecones and 37 red berries.

How many things did Van collect altogether for the birds?

He put the food in a feeder at the edge of his yard.  The birds ate half of the food in one day.  How much food was left?

May baked 124 muffins.

Katherine baked 13 times as many. How many muffins did Katherine bake?

Katherine baked some blueberry muffins and some chocolate chip muffins. 

If 826 of the muffins were blueberry, how many of them were chocolate chip?

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. Find a way to keep practicing your math facts in all four operations.

UA’s for today…

Challenges and Phys. Ed.  Here is the link to their website if you need some suggestions for how to stay active and fit.

🇺🇸🏕🏜I hope you had a great day.  While you’re deciding, I suggest you choose a state you know only a little about, but that you’d like to learn more about.  We’ll begin researching and collecting information for persuasive blog post.  Convince us that we should visit your state first!🏔🛶🎆

👊🏻🙌🏼💕 Mrs. Eaves

54 thoughts on “Our Day ~ Wednesday, May 27

  1. I would choose New York because Broadway and there is so many things to see like Statue of Liberty and I could go see Hamilton.

  2. I would go to Georgia cause you can go to Atlanta and see the Braves and you could see Zac Brown Band my favorite band.

  3. I would chose Vermont because I know some thing that you read in a book that hapind to a presdint

  4. I read the story works magazines that you sent home my favorite one was attack from oter spase in tthe aprill one

  5. Florida and Maine because there are oranges in Florida and it’s warm there, and Maine because I go to Maine every summer and there are animals like deer and rabbits. (It usually takes 7 hours to get there in the car. Last time it took 9 hours)

    • Hi Anna,
      You must go very far up in Maine if it takes that long. Maine is a beautiful state with lots to explore.
      Mrs. Eaves

  6. I would choose North Carolina and Maine because it would be cool to walk inside a brain. I chose Maine because I would want to visit the house called the Wedding Cake!


    • Hi Sophie,
      Thanks for listening closely to the books and choosing places that stand out as interesting.
      I’m not sure I’d want to walk through a brain though.
      Mrs. Eaves

    • Hi Edward,
      You can choose NH if you want to learn more about your state.
      Maine is a great state too.
      Mrs. Eaves

  7. I read Arcade or Bust. A new video game came out and Lincoln has to get by his TEN sisters. He makes but there is a HUGE line.

    • Hi Edward,
      Based on your capital letters, I’m guessing you are glad you only have 2 sisters.
      Does Lincoln have to get by them to get the game, or does he have score more than they do?
      Mrs Eaves

  8. I chose Vermont because I love skiing there and I have only been in stow I want to see what the rest of Vermont is like.

    • Hi Vera,
      Now that you’re spending more time in Maine, it would be fun to learn all about its special features.
      Mrs. Eaves

  9. I chose Florida because my granddad and nana lives there and because it has Disney world, there are beaches, it is hot and Florida makes 75% of the country’s orange and 40% of the world’s orange juice supplies.

  10. I read riding freedom by Brian Selznick
    In the book Charlotte lives in an orphanage for boys. She was not like others girls.She worked in a kitchen.one day she was rushed her chorse and went straight to the horse barn. Then she got out a horse named freedom. and she went to the horse race. there was a mean boy named willeam that she was racing and then at the end of the race the horse was heat or sick.then she herd a bell ring three times. someone was going to adopt a kid.

    • Hi Elena,
      I’m glad to know you found your book! Yay.
      It is a pretty different time in history for sure.
      I’m looking forward to our new group.
      📚Mrs. Eaves

  11. Today I read Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phenox. Mrs. Figg is a watch person sent from Dumbldore and she has one muggle and one pure blood parent. She was sent to watch over Harry. There were dementors who attaced Dudley. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were blaming Harry. Harry got a letter sayong he was expelled. Then he got another letter from Aurther Weasley saying to stay there people will be coming to destroy his wand but to stay put and not let them. Aunt Petunia knew what dementors were! Then he got a letter from the Ministry Of Magic that Dumbldore came to talk to them and that he would just be susbended.

    • Hi Sophie,
      I think this is my favorite part of the series. It’s got some cool stuff and some scary stuff too!
      Enjoy it!
      Mrs. Eaves

    • Hi Piper,
      I’m thinking there is definite “warm” theme in your state selections.
      🏖Mrs. Eaves

  12. wait i would actually choose Maine because my grandma and grandpa has a small house next to a really famous person! (Even though the drive is like 3 hours) its On isles burrow! And we went kayaking and theres even an OUTDOOR SHOWER! It was really cool. We also got to ride on a big boat with our car to get to the island! It took 30 minutes to get there but there were small stores and we had a ton of stairs leading from the back of our house to the beach! The kayaks were my favorite thing to do besides playing the cool board games in a box! (It wasn’t a cardboard box it was more like a wooden cabinet) and thats why i chose Maine!

    • Hi Piper
      Those are some wonderful memories. That sounds like a perfect place to explore, relax and play in.
      You are very lucky!
      👊🏻Mrs. Eaves

  13. Hello Mrs.Eves. This is from yesterday. I chose Oklahoma because it is very pretty because it has a lot of open grass land and because it has a lot of nice people it all so has a lot of Native American tribes and so much cool stuff like very nice city’s and beautiful sky’s!

    • Hi Estella,
      I agree with you. Oklahoma is a great state. There is incredible and interesting things there. Did you know that there is an active oil well on the front lawn of the capital building? And did you know that the prairie grasses can be much taller than a tall adults head. Isn’t that wild!
      Mrs. Eaves

  14. Hi Mrs. Eves. I chose Pennsylvania because they have really cool places to go like Hershey park and other thing the second thing is that it is very pretty and has beautiful the third thing is it has a lot of of animal life. The forth thing is it has so much fun things to do!

    • Hi Estella,
      I bet you would have a terrific time at Hershey Park. I like your other reasons too. I wonder which state will be your final choice.
      🇺🇸Mrs. Eaves

  15. For the Northeast I would like to visit Pennsylvania again. I love Hershey Park and we had fun visiting Amish country. We never got to Gettysburg. I would also pick Florida for the Southeast. I want to visit the space station in Cape Canaveral. I also want to go back to Orlando and go to Lego Land this time. We did not make it there last time.

    • Hi Brady,
      You’ve made some great choices. It’s fun that you know some of the things there and that there are new things that you are curious about too.
      🇺🇸Mrs. Eaves

  16. Hi Mrs. Eve✋🏼! I chose Alabama because it has such pretty land and and so many beautiful places to see the second one is that it has really kind people. There is a gaunt rooster made out of car bumpers that sounds really cool. there is the biggest cat fish has 28 feet whiskers and is animated with rolling eyes and a moving tail.

    • Hi Estella,
      You did some great research to find all of that information out about Alabama.It does sound like a very cool place to visit.
      🇺🇸Mrs. Eaves

  17. I read Chapter 1 of the 3rd Grade Detectives today. We can talk more about it tomorrow during our book club meeting.

    • Thanks for sharing your state choices. I wonder which on you will choose out of your 4 to research.
      🗽Mrs. Eaves

  18. Today I read Trombone Shorty. In the story the main character had a brother who played the trombone and he wanted to have a musical instrument too. His brother had a band and he wanted to have one too. He found an old trombone he cleaned up, it didn’t sound great but he played it anyway. He became famous.

    • Thanks for sharing your reading Max.
      I have not read this book, but have heard it is very good. It sounds as though it is from you summary.
      Thanks for your time and effort.
      📚Mrs. Eaves

  19. For the northeast I choose New Jersey so I can visit Atlantic City Boardwalk and play the games and go on the rides!
    For the south I choose Virginia so I can visit Colonial Williamsburg. It is the worlds largest living museum way bigger than Strawberry Bank!

    • Hi Van,
      Thanks for sharing your choices. You have terrific reasons. I am looking forward to learning which state you choose to do all the research about.
      🇺🇸 Mrs. Eaves

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