This week’s quick write are about gratitude. We’ve written about things we are thankful for in the past, but it’s always good to take time to appreciate our blessings. Read through the prompts, think about them for a bit and when you’re ready, find ten quiet minutes to begin… It’s okay if you finish one idea and begin another. Just try to keep writing for the whole ten minutes. It’s also okay if you don’t finish when the time is up… you decide: stop, or keep writing. Post your Quick Write as a comment, or on your own blog. Have fun writing!
Count Your Blessings – In what ways are you fortunate? Make a list of at least 10 things you are grateful for. Include people and things, events and experiences, past or present.
What do you like about North Hampton? Why are you grateful to live there?
Write about something good that happened to you this week. What’s the story?
What talent do you have that you are grateful for? How do you use your talent? How do you share it?
Invent a holiday to celebrate a person you care about – “Aunt Ann Day” or “Dad Appreciation Day” for example. Write a paragraph expressing three reasons why you’re thankful for having this special person in your life. Give them your paragraph.
Of course you can write about anything … enjoy creating!