Our Week – August 29

I think we’ve had a great start to our school year.  I hope your children are feeling the same way.  We’ve had fun getting to know each other.  We’ve created two different glyphs and several different graphs. We’ve done a couple of different writing projects and we’ve shared some great books together.

S.E.L  – Learning About Each Other to Strengthen our Community

We’ve played The Name Game a few times to learn each other’s names. Knowing names is an important start to making friends.  We read Andy, That’s My Name and My Name is Alice to start our exploration into the importance of feeling known and included.

We also read some books about starting school and being new, either to the school or to the grade. After reading The Day You BeginUnicorn Thinks He’s So Great and Unicorn Is Maybe Not So Great After All we began to realize we each have to share our stories so we can truly get to know each other.  Guesses and assumptions don’t work that well. We’re realizing, the more we share the more we find what we have in common.

We’ve also been sharing some of our hopes about what will happen this year and what we’ll be able to do at the end of 3rdgrade.  We’ve been thinking about things we like and things we find challenging connected to learning.  We’ll use these discussions to learn more about rights and responsibilities in the weeks to come as we establish classroom routines and rules that will allow us to each show our best selves.

Roaming the Known

This week in math we’ve been roaming the known.  We’ve been reviewing two-digit addition and subtraction.  We’ve created several graphs and taken an assessment to see what parts of 2ndgrade math stuck.  As I have reviewed the daily work, it seems to me that the children have a lot of understanding that doesn’t show.  The ways the problems are worded are unfamiliar and the directions may have been confusing.  As you look at your children’s work – please let mistakes go at this point in the year. We are just getting to know each other. We’ll learn how to communicate clearly in the next few weeks and then your children’s real abilities will show.

Navigating the Classroom Blog

At the end of each week I will send home a letter sharing some of the things we have done throughout the week.  Please look for it in the front of your communication folder.  My goal is to give you some talking points so you can extend your child’s learning at home. On that same day you’ll find a similar parent letter on our blog – 3enews.edublogs.org  As you can see, this one is illustrated with photographs from our classroom.  Scroll down a bit, and you’ll be able to see some of the books we’ve shared in the classroom this week. That’s another thing to talk about with your child.  And this time, if you scroll a bit further down, you’ll see a place where you can subscribe to get notification about postings.  Please do that so you don’t miss out on any of the posts.

Presently, last year’s students’ blogs are still up and will be for a couple of weeks.   Soon, your children will be setting up their own blogs. We’ll have time each week for the children to create posts.  That doesn’t mean they’ll finish one each week, but I know they’ll try.  Blogging is a different type of writing and most children really like the idea of creating digital texts to share with a wider audience.  Once the student blogs are up and running you can share your child’s URL with family far away and they can become more involved with this year’s activities.

Bits and Pieces –

  • We’re reading 8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrel ÷ 1 Dog = Chaos as our first chapter read-aloud.  Ask your child what is happening in the story.
  • We had our first fire drill and your children were quiet and respectful.  They really were amazing role-models.
  • We’ll be celebrating International Dot Day in two weeks.   We are looking forward to “making our mark” to see where it takes us.

Friday Quick Writes

I wonder if you’re feeling both blue and excited like I am.  I’m blue that summer is coming to an end and I’m blue that 3E is changing.  I’m excited for school to be starting again and I’m wondering how our new year will unfold.  We’ve still got a little bit of summer left, so let’s celebrate.

How will you spend your last week of summer?

What will you do to make the final days of summer special?

Write a poem about summer coming to an end.

Think back on your summer and write about something you did that you’re proud of.  What makes this accomplishment feel special?  Do you think it is something you could have achieved during the school year?

Make a list of all the things you did this summer.  Can you come up with something for every letter of the alphabet?

Have fun writing!  I can’t wait to see you – but enjoy the last bits of your summer to the fullest!


Wednesday – Math

Here are some problems to solve.

Logan has 12,850 crayons.  Sophia has 10,739 crayons.

How many more crayons does Sophia have than Logan?

Ellia has 1,258 more crayons than Sophia has. How many crayons does Ellia have?

If Logan, Sophia and Ellia put all their crayons together, how many crayons will that be?

Ella has 10,000 Legos for a building project.  She used 7,573 of her Legos to make a cute monster. How many Legos were left?

Olive baked 1,115 muffins.

Charlie baked 11 times as many.  How many muffins did Charlie bake?

Olive baked some blueberry muffins and some apple muffins.  If 658 of the muffins were blueberry, how many of them were apple?

Leave your answers in a comment below or post your work on your own blog.

As always keep – mathing on!

Wednesday Math

Here are some problems to solve.  Enjoy!

Charlie sorted sports cards.  He had three piles.  One had 25,567 football cards, another had 1,934 hockey cards and the last had 14,385 basketball cards in it.

How many sports cards did Charlie altogether?

He decided to give 13,987 of the cards to his friends.  How many cards did Charlie have left?

Hayley collected shells on the beach.  She found 2,423 white shells, 1,256 yellow shells and 1,068 speckled shells.

How many shells did Hayley collect altogether?

She used 3,808 of her shells to decorate a mirror. How many shells did Hayley have left?

Ryan was building with Legos. He had 22,035 bricks in a bin when he started building.

When he was finished there were 1,368 bricks left. 

How many Legos did Ryan use while he was building?

Friday Quick Writes

Read through the prompts, think about them for a bit and when you’re ready, find ten quiet minutes and begin writing

Use the prompts, or write about whatever idea comes to your mind.  It’s okay if you finish one idea and begin another.  It’s also okay if you don’t finish when the time is up.  Just like always,  you decide:  stop, or keep writing.   You may want to post your quick write as a comment, or on your own blog or you may what to keep it in your notebook.  This week’s writing suggestions come from the Journal Buddies Newsletter, “Happiness Happens.”

How do you feel when you witness (see) happiness?

Where does happiness come from?

Write a poem about the sound of happiness.

How can you encourage happiness?

What things make you the happiest?

What can you accomplish when you’re happy?

What does it mean to find the silver lining in a situation?

I hope you have a happy time writing. Enjoy!