Quick Writes – today’s topic, family

I bet you know why I chose this week’s topic!  Here’s the newest member of our family.  She was born yesterday.  That’s why Friday’s quick writes are found on Saturday.

Read through the prompts, think about them for a bit and when you’re ready, find ten quiet minutes to begin…  It’s okay if you finish one idea, begin another, just try to keep writing for the whole ten minutes.  It’s okay if you don’t finish when the time is up… you decide:  stop, or keep writing.   Post your Quick Write as a comment, or on your own blog. Have fun writing!

Who is the funniest person in your family?  Explain why.

Think about your favorite family vacation.  What made is special?  What things did different people in your family do that made this vacation stay in your memory?

Is there a movie that you and your family like to watch together?  What draws your family to that movie?  Why is it a movie everyone in your family can watch together?

Write about a time you and your family went for a walk.  Tell about where you were. Tell some about what you saw and did and said.  What makes this walk stand out?

What job has your family given you to do at home?  What do/did you do?

Or, write about whatever you choose. Write about what makes you happy.  Enjoy!  It would be fun if you shared your writing in a comment, or on your own blog.  Happy Writing!

4 thoughts on “Quick Writes – today’s topic, family

    • Thank you. She is wonderful. Her name is Madeline. Her big brother is in love with her. He can’t believe he has a baby. 🙂

    • Ryan, I found your comment while I was camping in the San Isabel National Forest in Colorado. Mr. Eaves is hiking the Colorado Trail. He’s been gone for three weeks and has three more to go. I met him in the middle. Creating blog posts there was a little tricky but when I am back in NH on Thursday, I’ll try to catch back up. I hope your summer is terrific. I’d love to hear about your “high points.” love, Mrs. Eaves

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