It’s Wednesday – here are some math problems to solve

Ryan went to the beach.  He collected 235 periwinkle shells, 496 clam and mussel shells and 187 whelk shells.  He used 379 of them in picture frame project.  How many shells did Ryan have left?

Jack started writing a new “Candy Awesomeness” story.  On Monday he wrote 1,652 words.  On Tuesday he wrote 2,019 words and on Wednesday he wrote 973 words.  When he finished the story on Thursday it had 5,250 words.  How many words did Jack add on Thursday to finish his story?

Maxim decided that he would try to read Crenshaw, Pax and Endling – the last during summer vacation.  Crenshaw has 256 pages. Pax has 288 pages and Endling has 380 pages.  How many pages will Maxim have read when he is half way to meeting his goal?