Our Week – June 16

This is post is illustrated by our class photographers, Zack and Mackenzie.

The last day of 3rd grade is here. While we were preparing for the conferences the students made a list of all the things they had accomplished. It was full. They have done many things together and each one of them deserves to be proud of how they have grown and changed this year. It was rewarding to see each child look through work samples from across the year.   It gave them an opportunity to stop and notice the many things they had done and the progress they had made. Thank you all for supporting each of them throughout the entire year. 3E worked hard together and come a long way.

Cinderella Around the World

 We finished the year with the Cinderella project. I’ve been trying to fit it in since March. Each of the countries the children chose has a Cinderella story from it. At first the boys were not sure they were going to like a princess getting married story. They’ve discovered that there are some pretty interesting twists and turns. There are magic snakes, bulls, fish, and dolls. There are even Cinder Lads from Sweden and Ireland.

Each of the children read their version and completed a chart that introduced them to some new terms – protagonist and antagonist. It was fun to think through the different stories and compare them to the version we are most familiar with. That is the one from France.         Once the chart was completed, they covered a can with paper to create the setting of the story and chose between 3 and 5 characters or things important to the story. They created these and put them inside the can. It has been fun to see how the stories compare. They could find what they had learned about their country in the stories. It was a fun project and a fun reminder.

Blog and Glog Reminders

Please remember that the Glogsters – digital posters – the children created to share their opinion writing through can be seen and shared with family. I know the children would love to know their hard work had been viewed and read. The same is true for the blogs. Many of the children have been creating and posting through this week.

The children are welcome and encouraged to continue on blogging. I will keep 3E news updated with book recommendations on Monday, math problems on Wednesday and activities and events as Friday Fun suggestions. I know summers are busy and full – as they should be, but I also know that sometimes a break for quiet reading and writing is a welcome change.

There are 3 links in the sidebar that you’ll enjoy exploring with your children. Zoo Babies features a different animal each day. The site is perfect for our animal lovers. Kids Should See This is a collection of interesting short videos featuring a wide variety of science and social studies topics. A new group of five is posted each week. They are fascinating. The final link of interest is Kids Read. This site reviews books and announces book releases. It’s one of my favorites and was introduced to me by a book loving 5th grader many years ago. Check it out.

Thank you sharing your children with me this year and helping them succeed in 3rd grade! They were able to visit the 4th grade classrooms on Wednesday and meet the teachers.  They are ready.

Have a wonderful vacation!

P.S.  I am hoping that each of the children shared Fable Falls with you.  We had a wonderful unveiling and signing party on Thursday.