Our Week – February 17

While it’s been another interrupted week, we have done many things in 3E. We wished Keegan all the best with his move to South Carolina. Friday was his last day in 3E and thankfully we were all together. We were also able to celebrate the friendships that fill our classroom each day on February 14th. Thank you to all the families for making that celebration so fun! The thought and time you gave to help each of the children create and complete their “cards” was much appreciated. I wish you could have seen and heard the chuckles and gasps, along with the thank yous and smiles as the kids passed them out. Thank you.

In and around all these special events, we keep doing our best to accomplish all that we can. We’ve continued to explore fables, the idea of global travel, and how to use the standard algorithm when subtracting. We’ve read a few more books about refugees and are attempting to understand what it means to be living in places of conflict. Each day we gain greater appreciation for the bounty and freedoms we are granted.

Global Geography – an Exploration of our World

A tremendously HUGE thank you to all the families and friends and kind strangers who read our blogs and left comments. Thank you to those who reached out and made further connections for us. We appreciate your time and effort. Its’ been exciting to check the blogs each day. For the last couple of weeks there has been something new for us to read and learn from, almost every day. Many of the students have used the information from your comments to select a person, place, activity or custom as a “Wonder” of their country.

The snow days and delays may keep us from showing in writing all that we have discovered about the world, but when you come to 17 Kids + 15 Countries in 1 Room = WOW! and talk to our experts you’re sure to learn a lot about our world. We’ve been working on both the writing that will inform you of the wonders in our countries and the displays that will be part of our museum. We can’t wait to share what we’ve discovered with you.

As a reminder…   17 Kids+15Countries in 1 Room=WOW! will be open on Tuesday, February 21 from 2:00 – 2:30 and from 5:45 – 6:30. We hope to see you there. We are looking forward to sharing what we’ve learned about our countries.

Bits and Pieces –

  • Thank you for helping your children explore ideas about fables that will help our class. This is certainly above and beyond – but I am concerned that if we go past the vacation, the children will have lost their connection with fables and their point in our lives. Thank you for helping them think of ideas and lessons.
  • We’ve continued reading about Eben in The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs. We’re wondering what is going to happen because it’s Day 5 and Eben only has 4 wonders and a funny (to us) outhouse story.
  • We’re giving some Go Noodle videos a try – some movement breaks to see if they can get rid of the “sillies” and get us back on track, and others are mindful meditations and stretches. We’ll see how they go. If they help, we’ll keep going. If they become yet another thing for the disrupters to disrupt, we’ll stop.
  • We’re a little over halfway through the alphabet of upper-case cursive letters. Our hope is to have them completed before vacation. Then we’ll begin using them for short pieces of writing practice.
  • Yesterday we were told that term 2 report cards would be pushed back because of snow days. They will be coming home a week later on March 24.

4 thoughts on “Our Week – February 17

    • We are too. The kids are working so hard to meet the deadline. Samantha is so dedicated and excited about what she is learning. The displays and galleries are shaping up. I am proud of how so many in the class have rallied. We are looking forward to our museum as well. I am excited for the children to have an audience to share with. Thanks for your consistent support – it means a lot to know someone is reading.

  1. Rachael is so excited to share her country. She has made sure to inform us of so many things she has learned while studying. It is now a place she wants to live one day!

    • Hey, why not? I am so glad. She’s really done a lot of thinking and planning, writing and rewriting.
      It will all be set tomorrow. 🙂

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