It’s Blogging Day – check our blogs for new posts

Today we are challenging ourselves to post something new on each of our blogs.  We hope you’ll check them out and leave a comment or two.  We do love knowing our posts have been read.

This was doubly challenging today because the student server wasn’t working very well.  It was really hard to log in.  In fact, that took up half of our blogging time.

If you don’t find a new post when you look today, please check back again.  The class is excited to tell you about recent dance competitions, County Cup hockey tournaments, playing new games, getting new pets, visiting friends and having birthday parties.

Here’s the Tuesday post for the class blog.

For the last few weeks we’ve been reading the poem, Sunflakes by Frank Asch.  We’ve had fun imagining what the words would look like if they became true.  We are wishing these would be the kind of flakes that fall (if any do) from now on – we are ready for Spring.