It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

who am I - startWe’ve had a terrific week celebrating science and scientists!  Thank you families for your incredible help and support with our “Who Am I?” project. It was clear that our class knows a lot more about science and scientists than we did before.  Science in one way for us to insure that the world remain an exciting place – full of possibility, discoveries and excitement.  What doors can we open with our questions?

There were seventeen scientists.  Each scientist shared five of the tools he or she uses to do their job.  It took each scientist 6 minutes to share that information.

How many tools were shared in all?

How many minutes did it take for all the scientists to share their information?

Samantha told us that astronomy was one of the first sciences.  Galileo was one of the first scientists known as an astronomer.  He was born in 1564.  How many years ago was that?

Tera is an ichthyologist – a scientist who studies fish.  

There are 33,100 known species (kinds) of fish.

Mackenzie is a lepidopterist – a scientist who studies butterflies and moths.  There are 162,000 species of moths and butterflies.  How many more species do lepidopterists know of than ichthyologist?  

Our world is full of ideas, questions and challenges.  Will you be a scientist who finds the answers to our many questions and wonderings?

who am I - end