It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersTimmy had a collection of rocks.  He had 268 speckled rocks, 107 smooth rocks and 1,039 crystals.  How many rocks did he have altogether?  He gave Ben  386 of them.  How many rocks did Tim have left in his collection?

Stella practiced drumming every day for one hour.  She kept the beat with the bass drum.  She hit it 10 times a minute.  If that is true, how many times did Stella hit the bass drum in that hour?  How many times did she hit the bass drum in a whole week of practice?

Alexis had a collection of shells.  She sorted them.  She had 1,345 white shells, 673 shimmery shells, 2,2,03 bumpy shells and 1,489 twisty shells.  How many shells did she have altogether?  She gave half of them to her brother.  How many shells did she have left?

One thought on “It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

  1. Timmy had 1414 rocks. he had 1028 left. She hit the drum 600 times an hour and 1oo’800 times a week. Alexis had 2’710 shells she had 1355 left after she gave some away.

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