It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersHi.  I hope you are enjoying your days! Lots of shoveling and playing when it’s not too windy.  I guess this week’s problems should be full of snow, hot chocolate and puzzles.

When the wind stopped blowing so hard.  13 kids went to Dearborn Park.  Each one of them slid down the hill 6 times an hour.  They stayed for two hours.  How many times did they slide down the hill altogether?

Everyone went home to hot cocoa and cookies.  Each of the 13 kids had a cup of cocoa with five marshmallows in it  and three cookies.  How many marshmallow did they use altogether?  How many cookies did they eat altogether?

In one of the houses they started to put a jigsaw puzzle together.  There were 1,500 pieces in the puzzle.  They put 768 pieces together on Tuesday.  How many pieces did they have left to put together on Wednesday?

We’ll see each other tomorrow.  What story will you have to share about the storm?