It’s Wednesday – here are some problems to solve

numbersHere are some new math problems for solving.  These problems have more than one answer.  Your job is to find as many ways to solve the problem as you can.  It probably will be easier if you have “things” to move around as you solve them and figure out all the different ways.  You could use pasta, pennies, Lego bricks…

Hope you have fun taking on the challenge…

A teacher has 24 students in her class.  She wanted to place the students into groups with an equal number in each group.  How many different ways can the teacher group the students?


There are 16 apples to be put into bowls.  Each bowl must have the same number of apples.  How many different ways can the apples be put into bowls?


Choose one of the following numbers:  18, 20 or 28.  Suppose that this number of musicians in a marching band were getting ready for a parade.  How many different ways could they arrange themselves to march in equal rows?

Leave a comment  on the blog to explain what you did or bring your work into school so we can see what you did.

Here is a link to a great game – First Connect Three.  It’s a fun way to practice adding and subtracting facts, while also exploring negative and positive numbers.  Enjoy!  If you play, make sure you record it on your math record sheet.

Happy Mathing.

(Families – you will probably see these problems as multiplication.  Your children most likely, will not.  They will probably need objects (manipulatives) to move around in order to find different solutions.   They may not like that at first.  In their minds this seems like a step backwards.  Please help them understand they’re learning to think in new ways and that means a bit of a struggle – every time learning happens they’ll need to use something to make a model of their thinking.  We all do – it is what learning requires.)

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