Our Week – November 9

 Thank you so much for helping the children and our class with the research work into North Hampton’s past.  I understand that some of the children were not able to carry our conversation from the classroom home to you that they did not need to answer every question.  Perhaps things got a bit tense.  As stated at the beginning of the project, the children did need support to gather the information.  The resources were difficult to understand, but through your collective help the children do have a much clearer picture of life through time.  They are excited and interested.  They know that people certainly worked hard to have the things they needed to survive in the past and also that North Hampton is a town with an interesting history.

We have had so many stops and start in the last few weeks it is challenging to say we have focused on one or two particular things.  The children are doing a spectacular job of presenting their Multiple Intelligences, and the work they feel best represents themselves as learners in the fall.  They have set thoughtful goals and have made plans for how they will show you they have achieved them.

They are excited and proud to be part of the Veterans’ Day Assembly.  They have worked hard to know the song and to sing well for everyone on Friday.

Here are some images from our discovery time morning.  In them we are researching, reading, writing, learning as ornithologists might in the science area, creating with wood in the craft area and developing strategy and logic skills with math.



We are beginning an independent inquiry project to help the children learn the steps they will need to go through to become an expert on a particular topic.  They will need to move far beyond “googling” for answers as we learn about different types of questions and different ways to search for information.

Bits and Pieces

  •  November 13 – Exploring the Fogg cellar hole and cemetery with Mr. Caron – the beginning of our “Wonder” search
  •  November 13 Picture Retakes
  • November 13 and 14 Student Led Conferences
  • November 15 – “Wonders” of North Hampton Field Trip
  • November 20 – Report Cards come home – these will have codes, but no written comments.  We will meet in the following two weeks for Parent – Teacher conferences.
  • December 4 – Readers’ Theater Plays at Barnes and Noble

Have a wonderful weekend!