Steve Cotler – Becoming a Reading Detective

Cheesie Mack Is Not a Genius or AnythingHere are some of the thoughts the class had when Steve Cotler, author of the Cheesie Mack series came to North Hampton School yesterday.

Steve taught us what a reading detective is.  It is a person who looks for clues in the books they are reading. To be a reading detective you look for words that surprise you.  There is a reason for that.  You should pay attention to that. He wrote the book Cheesie Mac.  He got the idea from the time he was a camp counselor.  Steve Cotler is a very good story teller. He is funny and nice, but strict.  He shared his books and his characters, Cheesie and Georgie, with us and because of this we think he is a good author.

This is when Steve was asking us to make inferences about the personalities of Cheesie and Georgie.


When Steven Cotler was telling stories or reading to us we couldn’t get enough.

 We even had Cheesie Mack for lunch.  We look forward to reading the rest of the story.  Will we do it in class?