The River Runner Challenge

Today we went out to our challenge course.  Our challenge was to cross from one side of the “river” to the other without touching the ground.  Not only did we have to cross over on swinging logs, but we also had to reach and pull ourselves around a few large trees.

That was the first part of the challenge.

The second part of the challenge was to split the class in half.  We started from both sides of the “river” and had to cross over when the two groups met.  The logs were really swinging then and we had to be very patient so that everyone was able to cross.  There were lots of good questions, kind words of encouragement and effort.


The last part of the challenge was to see if we could cross with our eyes closed.  We did!  It was a great way to see cooperation, teamwork and communication in action.  We can do great things when we work together.




3 thoughts on “The River Runner Challenge

  1. Hi 3E! Your new blog looks great! I am so glad we get a peek at what goes on in your classroom….and during Mr. Caron challenges. The new rug looks great and Joe’s orange socks look even brighter with the rug in the background.

    I’m scratching my head trying to think of “glancers” books…that will take some research, I think.

    Have a wonderful day!

    • Thank you. So glad to know we are off and sharing. I appreciate knowing what you think.
      We are enjoying our 3rd grade beginning.

  2. This is our first look at the blog. And it’s awesome. We have read through everything and looked at every picture. Now we are going to make a time every week to check it out!

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