Our Day ~ Monday, June 1

👋🏻☀️🌎Good Morning! I thought it would be be fun to look back at some  of our accomplishments.

This collection of pictures is from our first week of school.  In some of them we were working on small group challenges ~ Helping Harry and building collections of 100 and in others, reading and writing. Hopefully they’ll inspire some memories you’re grateful to keep.

Morning Work – Thanks for continuing our morning gratitude practice.   What will you add to your Gratitude Jar today?💗

Please take some time to read each others blogs and leave a comment or two.  Thanks for staying connected!🙌🏼💕👊🏻

Morning Meeting I thought you might like this favorite.  Happy Thought ~ by Robert Louis Stevenson

The world is so full of a number of things,

I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.

Next, listen to Happy Dreamer.  Close to the end the boy says, “I’m really good at being me.  A dreamer surprising, caring, funny, gentle smart… There are so many ways to be a happy dreamer?  (What kind of dreamer are you?)”. Will you share a description of you and the kind of dreamer you are in a comment or on a blog post?  What hopes and dreams do you have for the summer?  We look forward to reading your reflections later today.🥳

Just for fun ~ here is a Happy Dreamer Fortune Teller

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  If you’d like, here are two Go Noodle videos: move to Wadillyocho 😀 (you’ll notice it’s similar to our gathering song) and stretch with Maximo .

🌎 Social Studies and Reading📚

📖🇺🇸Shared Reading

I hope you’ll enjoy learning how the Star Spangled Banner was created by listening to Our Flag was Still There and also thinking about what our flag stands for by listening to the short poem, Blue Sky White Stars.  Think about how this connects to your U.S. geography project.

Take a break, go outside, run around, sing,  play a game, make some art.📚

Independent ReadingKeep reading each and every day! Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book. You can use this time to read for your state project as well.

At the end of reading, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.📖  If you chose to read about your state, describe the most interesting fact you collected today.

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder.  Relax.

✏️Writer’s Workshop  – Please continue to write each day.  It can be writing for your state project, finishing a story you began a while ago, or working on your state research and blog post.📝

If you’d like a new writing idea, here are today’s optional Quick Writes:

Write a letter to your parents thanking them for all they’ve done to help you survive remote learning.

What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of?

What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?

What do you like most about summer?  Explain why.

What are your favorite things to do outside during the summer?

Read the prompts, think for a minute or so, choose a topic and write for a full 10 minutes without stopping.  At the end of 10 minutes you choose – are you done, do you have a different idea, do you want to keep going.  It would be fun to see some of your writing on your blog this week.

🔢Math Workshop – Today’s  warm-ups review area and perimeter Sandbox problems and  Naming and Labeling Fractions.

The answers to last Friday’s problems were: 1 P ( or A.  I didn’t write it clearly) 2. P, 3. A, 4. P, 5. A, and 6. A

Next, here are today’s problems to choose from. Today’s problems all use division.  See if there are two that feel like just right challenges.   You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper.  It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted.  Thanks!

60 children come for tryouts.  They were divided into teams of 5.  How many teams were there?

Vera has stored 18 eggs in boxes.  If there are three books, how many eggs must go in each box?

Elena wants to fold 1,000 paper cranes.  She can make 8 cranes a day.  If Elena has already made 304 cranes, how many days will it take for Elena to make the remaining cranes?

There are 64 M&M’s in the dish.  4 children are going to share them.  How many M&M’s does each child get?

Brady has 92 crickets.  He is feeding them to 4 geckos.  How many crickets does each gecko get?

Pens come in packs of 6.  If the art room needs 78 pens, how many packs of pens should Mrs. Nardone buy?

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. Find a way to keep practicing your math facts in all four operations.

UA’s for today…

Art Click out the new lessons. Here’s what Mrs. Nardone has for you to explore in Art today.

Guest Author/Illustrator Visit: Gina Perry (This is Piper’s mom! Check it out, if you haven’t already!)
Final artwork assignment:  Scroll down to bottom for final assignment.
Check out the fabulous art in the Online Galleries.  There are 3 galleries, a photo gallery and a Quarantine Self-Portrait Gallery of student artwork. Mrs. Nardone is hoping everyone will contribute a self-portrait.  Please take time to read the assignment and submit your artwork.

Technology – You’ll find the lessons Mrs. Herlihy left here at this link open the lesson that is next for you.

🏀🍦🚴🏻‍♀️I hope you had a great day today.  We’re almost done. I hope you enjoy seeing things we did 9 months ago!  Time flies!🚴🏻‍♂️🌭🎾

Thanks for being awesome!🥳💐👋🏻

💕Mrs. Eaves

21 thoughts on “Our Day ~ Monday, June 1

  1. I don’t really have a dream time over the summer the only thing I would want to happen is for the virus to go away

    • 👋🏻 Hi Katherine,
      I bet you do. My dream is for everyone to feel happy enjoying the sun with lots of time to play and relax and do only the things you all like to do. I hope you create and enjoy nature everyday. I plan to start walking my dog through the woods every day.

      I also hope the doctors and scientists are able to develop a successful vaccine so everyone can stay healthy and well.
      💐💗 Mrs. Eaves

  2. I am a sit still dreamer. Every morning when I wake up I stay in bed for a moment and just think. Over the summer I am looking forward to having pool parties and smores. When my mom went to the store she got marshmellos filled with choclate. They are so GOOD!

    Hope to see you soon!


    • Hi Sophie,
      Thank you for sharing the kind of dreamer you are. I start my day in a similar way. It makes everything calmer for me.
      Chocolate filled marshmallows! Wow! I can only guess at how yummy they are.
      💗Mrs. Eaves

    • Hi May,
      Having time to relax and be still is an important part of dreaming. This is one of the ways we are the same
      💗Mrs. Eaves

  3. I read Junie B. Jones is not a crook by Barbara park
    In the book Junie all recess was looking for kids with tattoos.
    but all the kids are waring cotes. When the dell ring she saw a girl with lots of pink but in her pocket there was her mittens so she ran to the girl and said you stoll my mittens.tje girl stared to cry and said “But I love them” and then Mrs gave Junie her mitten and went to the girl teacher to talk.

    • Hi Elena,
      I’m guessing that Junie was looking for tattoos because she figured crooks would have them. 😎
      I’m glad she was able to get her mittens back!
      Thanks for sharing your reading.
      📚Mrs. Eaves

  4. I read Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling.

    The setting of the story is at Hogwarts where kids will learn magic. here is a pitcher of Harry at the at the magic mirror. He stands in front of the mirror and he sees his family. He stands there for a while and he outs his hand on the mirror and wishes he can be with them.

    • Hi Estella,
      Thank you for sharing your reading.
      That is both very lucky and rather sad for Harry.
      📚Mrs. Eaves

  5. The most interesting fact is that Lin Manuel Miranda was a teacher before he went to broadway

    • Thanks for sharing your reading and your research.
      I agree. That is a very interesting fact.
      🗽✏️📚Mrs. Eaves

    • Hi Justin,
      Thanks for sharing your reading and writing.
      I hope you’re enjoying what you are learning about!
      🤠Mrs. Eaves

    • Hi Max,
      I just saw and read it. You have convinced me that it is a state to visit for sure! I love that you chose to share places that are important to you!
      Thank you for your time and effort!
      🇺🇸Mrs. Eaves

    • Hi Max,
      I hope your wish comes true. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed so your wish will be granted!
      💕Mrs. Eaves

  6. 60 children come for tryouts. They were divided into teams of 5. How many teams were there?


    Vera has stored 18 eggs in boxes. If there are three boxes, how many eggs must go in each box?


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