Our Day ~ Thursday, April 30


Good Morning! 

Morning Work – Start off your learning day by completing your weather graph, note the temperature on the section of the graph you color in and the type of cloud you see.  Use the symbols on the cloud finder.

Next, pick up you gratitude rock and think of something new to add to your Gratitude Jar.  I don’t know if you are keeping up with this practice, but I do know it helps to find the silver lining .

Check out each others blogs and leave a comment or two. I notice more and more of you checking out what each other is creating in your blog.  You are doing spectacular things!  🎇🎆🎇 Thanks for staying connected!

I found a way to share Ms. Vas reading Courage by adding it to our Google Classroom.  You will find the video in the stream and under the topic, Guest Reader. I hope it works today.  I’m pretty sure it will. Enjoy!

Morning MeetingToday we’ll share and compare two versions of  The Tortoise and the Hare; one from Jerry Pinkney’s illustrated collection and another from Mary Ann Hoberman’s Very Short Fables for Two Voices.  (Thanks to Mr. Eaves for reading the second voice.)

One version is longer than the other and each has different illustrations.  Look beyond that to reflect on which version and moral speaks to you and connect more closely to how you hope people will treat each other.  Leave a comment  explaining which version you liked better and why.  Also, please tell what the moral means to you.

Take a break, get a snack and move around.  If you’d like, here are two Go Noodle videos: move with Ryan Kerrigan  and relax and reflect with Go With the Flow.

Shared Reading –We’ll solve riddles and listen to mysteries.

Here are the riddle answers from last Wednesday: #1 Lunch and dinner ,#2 They wave, and #3. a

Here are some new riddles for today ~

#1  What goes up and down, but never moves?

# 2 Mr. Blue lives in the blue house, Mr. Yellow  lives in the yellow house and Mr. Black live in the black house.  Who lives in the white house?

#3 How many blocks?

Listen to Nate the Great and the Phony Clue.

In a comment, share how you solved the mystery – make sure to include all the clues you found in the words and illustrations to provide proof for your claim.

Use all that you’ve learned by listening and reading mysteries to continue on with our mystery planning activities,  Go to our Google Classroom.  Open the new assignment called Mapping Your Mystery.

Here is an example of one I created for the story I am planning called The 100 Year Old Clue. 

Here’s the map and the clues I made.  Here’s my mystery plan:  My main character goes to spend a week with her grandparent in the summer.  The first night  there her Grandpa tells a story about a treasure hunt his grandfather had made for his mom (the main character’s great-grandmother), but there was a barn fire and the first clue was lost and so the treasure was never found.  Dun, dun, dun…

If you need ideas, you can look at a better copy of the map and the clues in Google Classroom when you open the assignment Mapping Your Mystery.  Have fun making your map. Don’t rush.  Do a little at a time so you have a chance to come up with your best idea.  It doesn’t need to be finished until Tuesday.

Take a break, go outside, run around, sing,  play a game, make some art.

Independent ReadingKeep reading each and every day! Find a nice quiet place to read and enjoy at least 30 minutes with a great book.  If you’re wishing for some new book/reading options you can find some fabulous picture book recordings at Storyline Online and recorded books here at Audible. The Elementary selections look great.  Enjoy!

At the end of reading, choose two or three things from the Book Talk Questions grid when you leave a comment about what you read today on the blog.

Go outside, have some lunch, play a game, practice your recorder.  Relax.

Writer’s Workshop  –

Take this time to finish up any writing projects you are in the middle of.   I am so impressed by all you are creating.  Here’s a summary:  book reviews, gaming reviews, informational paragraphs, personal narratives, adventure stories, detective stories, science fiction, fantasy, stream of consciousness pieces and poetry.  It has also been wonderful to see you planning and creating videos to sharing hobbies and new challenges.

If you’re ready for a new writing idea, here are today’s Quick Writes:

  • Courage means…
  • Tell about a time when you were courageous.  What did you do?  How did your feel before, during and after?
  • I can be a good friend by…
  • Who is someone you think is courageous.  Tell why.
  • Wish I know more about…

Read the prompts, think for a minute or so, choose a topic and write for a full 10 minutes without stopping.  At the end of 10 minutes you choose – are you done, do you have a different idea, do you want to keep going.  It would be fun to see some of your writing on your blog this week.

Math Workshop We have started studying geometry and we are learning about the attributes of shapes.  We are looking to see if the sides are parallel or not.  We are looking to see if the side are all equal, or if opposites sides are equal and we are learning  to mark what we see.

Let’s start with a rhombus.  In a rhombus all four sides are equal.  This is how a mathematician would label a square.

Now let’s look at a square.  In a square all four sides are equal AND it has four 90° right angles.  This is how a mathematician would label a square.

Let’s look at a parallelogram.  In a parallelogram the the opposites sides are equal.  The two long sides are the same length and parallel.  The two short sides are the same length and parallel.  This is how a mathematician would label a parallelogram.

Now let’s look at a rectangle. In a rectangle the the opposites sides are equal AND it has four 90° right angles.  The two long sides are the same length and parallel.  The two short sides are the same length and parallel.  This is how a mathematician would label a rectangle.

Finally, let’s look at trapezoids.  They always have one set of opposite, parallel lines.  But, they only sometimes have sides of the same length.  Parallel lines on trapezoids are marked with arrows.

Here is a corrected copy of the worksheet you practiced with yesterday.  Using the information you just read, see if you can Name the Quadrilaterals on this worksheet.

And see if you can both Name and Label the Quadrilaterals on this worksheet.

Don’t expect it to be easy.  Ask for help, reread the information and talk it through.  You are just beginning. It’s okay to not feel certain.  You will with time and practice. 👊🏻 You’ve got this! 🙌🏼 Practice makes progress!

Next, here are today’s problems to choose from.  See if there are two that feel like just right challenges.   You can solve them in your journal or on a piece of paper.  It would be most helpful to put the color and the date the problem was posted.  Thanks!

Elena had a rock collection. She had 473 crystals.  She had 856 rocks with mica in them.  How my rocks did she have altogether?

Her friends gave her 247 rocks with fossils in them.  How many rocks did she have then?

Landon had a collection of 12,000 Legos before he began building robots out of them.

He used 2,485 bricks to make the first robot, 3,067 bricks to make the second robot and 918 bricks to make the last robot.

How many Lego bricks did Landon use in all to make the three robots?

How many Lego bricks did Landon have left to use for other projects?

Piper organized her art supplies.

She sorted and counted 327 markers, 2,684 crayons and 857 colored pencils.

How many supplies did Piper organize altogether?

She donated half of them to a children’s center. 

How many art supplies did Piper have left?

Javey practiced shooting baskets at recess.  He made 25 shots on Monday, 26 shots on Tuesday and 29 shots on Wednesday.

How many baskets did he make altogether?

How many more shots would Javey need to make to reach 100?

Justin had a collection of sports cards.  He had 12,421 hockey cards.  He had 4,315 basketball cards.  How many sports cards did he have altogether?

He gave his friends 1,478 of his cards.  How many sports cards did he have left?

Brady organized his Pokemon cards.

He sorted and counted 153 Energy cards, and 238 Special Trainer cards.

How many Pokemon cards did Brady organize?

His mom gave him 3 new sets. Each set had 24 cards.

Now how many Pokemon cards does Brady have altogether?

If you’ve worked through that, it’s definitely time for a game here at ABCya. Try Prodigy. Your parents have your login and password.  Use the games to practice your basic facts in all the operations. A third grade goal is know all + and – and x facts and at least 40 ÷ facts.

UA’s for today…

Spanish ~ I know Señora Murphy has posted some new lessons for you to explore.

And here’s a new message to you and your family from Mrs. Oliver:

There is new information and videos on the Music website

Please record yourself playing and send your songs to moliver@sau21.org.
As of last week, she had only heard from 4 students in our class, and she was hoping to hear from each of us every week. She really wants to know how you are growing as a musician!

Thank you for another week full of your creativity, grit and learning!

You and your effort fills me with appreciation and joy.  You are wonderful!🙌🏼

🌈🕵🏻‍♂️✏️📚💕Mrs. Eaves

☀️Landon, thank you for the song.  It is beautiful.  I am so grateful. 💞😌

78 thoughts on “Our Day ~ Thursday, April 30

  1. The Moral is Slow and steady wins the race Differences: In the first they were on bikes and in the second it was a foot race also the second is more detailed.
    Same’s: The Hare took a nap while the Tortoise went ahead of him. The tortoise wins in both. I like the first better.

    • Hi Landon,
      I like how the fable minds me to just keep going one step at a time ~ even when I feel I can’t do any more. It reminds me of what Justin learned in the run that the took with his mom.
      Thanks for sharing to ideas and opinions.
      🐢🐇Mrs Eaves

    • Hi Anna,
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.
      We’ll learn the answers on Monday.
      🔎Mrs. Eaves

  2. Nate solved the mystery because the phony clue had the same print on it because Finley tore it up so he had to find the paper.
    PS Mrs. Eaves I might have missed stuff her voice was not a good reading voice. It made me sleepy.

    • Sorry,
      It has been hard not to be able to get in the classroom for books. I tried to grab all that I could for this study of mysteries and the other for fables, but I only had 15 minutes. That’s not much I discovered. I had to fill in with the best recordings I could find.
      Thanks for giving it your best.
      🥴Mrs. Eaves

  3. I like the second one better because I race my sisters a lot while they are on their bikes and I win because they stop to talk and it shows that it is anyones game.

    • Hi Edward,
      How could you use that lesson in your life? For me it is in digging deep when I want to quit because I’m tried or it seems as though others are so much better at it than I am. It’s hard for me not to compare sometimes. How could the moral of the Tortoise and the Hare help you look at things differently?
      🐢🐇Mrs. Eaves

    • Hi Holden,
      How could the moral of the fable help you in your life? It has a few messages for me – I know sometimes I get overwhelmed by feeling as though I need to get 10 things done at once, I actually keep myself from getting things done. I think of one thing and then the next, then back to the first…if I just focused on one at a time I would be calmer like the tortoise and I would get everything done. I worry a lot about letting people down. How could the moral of the Tortoise and the Hare help you think about things differently in your life?
      🐢🐇Mrs. Eaves

    • Great! I’m glad. Some kids needed a permission yesterday. If it worked yesterday, you’re all set!
      💞Mrs Eaves

  4. I liked the first one better. I think I liked the second moral better because even if you are slow and racing a very fast animal who get’s to caught up in winning you have a better chance than them.

    • Hi Sophie,
      I appreciate your thought about the moral. It is very true. When people get over confident and a bit cocky, they often stop paying attention to the basics. That is a great way to apply the moral to our lives.
      🐢🐇Mrs. Eaves

    • Hi May,
      How do you think you could use that lesson in your life? The moral connects for me with the book The Straw that we read a couple weeks ago. Once straw stopped trying to be first all the time, he began to notice things more and appreciate things more. I guess that’s another way to be slow and steady. What do you think?
      🐢🐇 Mrs. Eaves

    • Hi Sophie,
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.
      We’ll discover the answers on Monday.
      🔎Mrs. Eaves

  5. The moral is slow and steady wins the race .Hare knows that he is going to beat toitose so he takes a nap then when he’s wakes up tortoise has already won the race i like the first one better because the first one calls to me and it is a better version.

    • Hi Vera,
      How might you use that moral in your life. I’ve share a few ways I think about it when other kids commented, but I see you using this moral to get through a hard challenge – like when are in a big race. If you worry about the whole the the worry will slow you down, but if you focus on the speed of the one step you are taking, you’ll have a better race. I guess one solid step at a time is a winning mantra.
      🐢🐇 Mrs Eaves

  6. I read Bone and what’s happening right now is there is the great cow race and everyone is betting on the mystery cow instead of grandma, and the mystery cow is just Smiley Bone dressed up. The setting is in Barralhaven.

    • Thanks for sharing your reading Anna.
      What will Grandma do? Will it matter if she doesn’t win the race?
      📚Mrs. Eaves

    • You’re not really picking a favorite. You’re thinking about how the moral applies to you. How could you use that lesson to help you be more successful in what you do?
      🐢🐇Mrs Eaves

  7. I solved the case!
    Clue #1 His weird friend has cats and she has one that is very good with tearing things apart.
    Clue #2 He had a friend before who was giving him a hard time
    Clue #3 There is no such thing as a phony clue!

    • Hi Sophie,
      You collected a lot of clues along the way. 🕵🏼‍♀️ Terrific sleuthing!
      Thanks for sharing your thought about the case so completely!
      🔎Mrs Eaves

    • What were the clues that Nate put together? He can be a rather silly detective – in fact you are the reader I likely to solve it before he does.
      Keep detecting and looking to clues.
      🔎Mrs. Eaves

  8. I read Lone Stars by Mike Lupica. It is a football story the main characters are Clay, David, Katherine, Ben and Monty Cooper. The story takes place in San Antonio.

    • Texas is certainly a big football state! I wonder how the story will go. I wonder if there will be anything like in the last book when Danny was a 12 year old coach.
      Thanks for sharing your reading.
      📚Mrs. Eaves

  9. When Nate The Grate was standing in front of the poster I cud see the peace of paper on the poster and I new that it was the last peace but I did not know that it was from Finley.

    • Nice job looking for clues along they way.
      Thanks for sharing what you noticed.
      Great Detective Work!🕵🏼‍♀️
      Mrs. Eaves

  10. I read to my cat Junie B. Jones Boo and i mean it. by Barbara Park.
    In the book Junie b. was writing in her journal and she was saying that she was scared of halloween. And may announced that Junie was scared of halloween.

    • Hi Elena,
      Thanks for sharing your reading. I like that you were reading to your cat. That’s fun. May surely gets under Junie’s skin. Does Junie do the same to May in every book? Do you think they will ever become friends?
      📚Mrs. Eaves

  11. Nate the Great and the Phony Clue.
    I solved the book when Nate the Great said the answer . That one was hard.

    • That is sometimes how it is. Not every reader connects with every mystery. I’d say Nate the Great is not the book for you. He can be silly ~ but also fun.
      Happy Sleuthing!🕵🏼‍♀️
      Mrs. Eaves

  12. Riddles
    1. The president
    2. Escalator
    3. 9
    That what I think today🕵🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.
      we’ll discover the answers on Monday!
      🔎 Mrs. Eaves
      (Love your detective guy!)

  13. I like the second one better becasue it was one of the ones that I knew very well. It surprised me that it was an Aesop fable. The moral of the story is that you should not brag about what you can do and one you start a task you finish the task before moving onto another task (something my dad has taught me).

    • Hi Justin,
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas. It is amazing that some of the stories we know so well are from 2,500 years ago. I think it is amazing that stories used to teach people that long ago, still have lessons for us today. I guess human nature is still very much the same.
      🐢🐇Mrs Eaves

  14. Mystery – Nate the Great and the Phony Clue

    1) There was part of a note that was left on his front step.
    2) Then they found a part of the paper that was in the tree next to Big Mack.
    3) Paper in sewer
    4) Put paper under water and saw address
    5) Address brought them to the person who wrote the note

    It was all a bet between two people to see if he could figure it out.

    • Hi Justin🕵🏻‍♂️,
      You listened carefully and kept track of all the clues Nate found. They may have been phony clues, but they did show that he is a detective.
      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts completely!
      🔎Mrs. Eaves

  15. I liked the first one of the Tortoise and the Hare. Tortoise maybe slower than the Hare but he was smarter. The Hare fell asleep and Tortoise finished first. The morale is do not rush to get things done. Slow and steady and one step at a time…do not worry about what is ahead just take it one day at a time!

    • Hi Brady
      You always think about stories to figure out how they fit your life’s story too. Your reminder to just worry about one thing at a time is an important one. In fact why worry? Just do what you can.
      Thank you for always doing all you can. Your effort shows!
      🐢🐇Mrs. Eaves

  16. I listened to Snappy the Alligator DID NOT ask to be in this book. Snappy is being him self when he all of a second he is in a book!!! He does not want to be in the book. So he throws a party to get the narrator to stop complaining that Snappy is really bad at being in a book. the party is really fun.

    • Hi May,
      Thanks for sharing your reading. There are a couple of Snapsy books, have you listened to them both? Did you finish the Top Chef book? (That’s not the real title – but do you know what I mean.). What happened to Tate?
      📚Mrs. Eaves

    • How do you think that moral might fit with your life? Who are you more like the tortoise of the hare? I know I am not like that hare, but I’m not sure I’m like tortoise. He is confident and courageous. I probably wouldn’t have tried. I would have been afraid I be embarrassed. How about you?
      Thanks for sharing your thought and ideas.
      🐢🐇Mrs. Eaves

  17. I read Who Was Walt Disney? He was a cartoonist when he was little he found a jar of black tar and he painted on the side of his house by the time his parents got there it could not come off. They had to move slot because they didn’t have enough money.

  18. I’m reading flora and Ulysses. It’s about a kid and squirrel! Flora is ten years old and the backstory of Ulysses is.. there was a vacuum that was named Ulysses. And a woman got a squirrel stuck in the vacuum! After the vacuum stoped, the squirrel came out! It lifted up the vacuum with one hand and no help! flora brought the squirrel home and named it Ulysses! She assumes he has super powers because, he can lift a vacuum and he can type on a typewriter!

    • Hi Piper,
      Thanks for sharing your reading. I’ve forgotten much of this book. I remember enjoying the quirky characters. I can’t wait to read more about it as you do. Seems like a perfect Piper choice!
      📚Mrs. Eaves

  19. Mrs. Eaves,

    I posted both of my writer’s workshop on my blog today. I hope you like my dialog.


    • Hi Justin,
      Thanks for sharing. I will go read them in a minute. Thanks for sharing what you focused on and feel proud of. I am so proud of your effort, goal setting and focused determination to learn and grow. You are doing amazing things.
      🙌🏼💕👊🏻Mrs. Eaves

  20. Today I read Harry Potter. It is the Yule Ball and Harry wanted to ask his crush Cho Chang but she was going with another champion Cedric Diggory. Harry had listened to Victor Krum talk for the first time and Victor is a famous Quidditch player not like for the school he played in the world cup. He was Hermione’s date! Harry and Ron toke a walk outside the castle and heard Madam Maxime with Hagrid and Hagrid was telling her about his child hood and it was sad. Then since Madam Maxime was taller then Hagrid he called her a giant and giants are known to be mean but he was just trying to say that she was like him. Cedric gave Harry a tip on the egg go in the prefects bathroom and take a bath and bring the egg.

    • Hi Sophie,
      Thanks for sharing your reading. J.K.Rowling sure knows how to create interesting characters and connections. I like how everyone ends up needing the others in order to succeed – except if you’re from Slytherin. They don’t seem to help anyone but themselves.
      📚Mrs. Eaves

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