Links With Information About Countries Around the World

For this inquiry project you’ll be researching a country of your choice. You’ll be learning about the flag, and exploring outstanding landforms like waterfalls, mountains, lakes, etc.  You’ll be discovering extraordinary habitats and 0ne-of-a-kind plants and animals found in your country. You’ll uncover historical sites and learn about the cultural heritage of your country.  What festivals or celebrations would you hope to attend?

If you planned a trip to your country, where would you visit? What would you like to see or experience? What museums, parks or monuments would you be sure to visit?  What food would you hope to taste? What music would you plan to hear?  What game would you hope to see and where?

These sites have connections to each of the countries we are hoping to learn about:

Culture Grams has all of our countries.  It is a product the school subscribes to.  Using the User Name and Password will allow you to find even more information.  You can get those from the list on the whiteboard in our classroom.  This has great information – links to the national anthem, recipes and highlights one-of-a-kind features that you might decide are wonders.

National Geographic Kids – Type your country name in the search box and check out the information about your country arranged by topics.

Ducksters Geography – This website sort countries by continent/region.  There are many topics and basic facts shared about each of our countries.

FactMonster – This website begins with an alphabetical listing of countries.  It includes all the countries we have chosen to research.  Once you find your country, click on the link and it will share information.  There is more political history on this site and some of the others.  The index on the top right of the first pages shares other paragraphs about different topic about your country.

These links have some of the countries we are researching:

Fun Facts for Kids:  Countries – Check out fun facts listed for most of the countries our class chose to explore.  This is a website published from New Zealand.

Kid’s World Travel Guide – Fifteen different countries are featured on this website.  The information shared there is organized by topic.

While you’re trying to discover the stories behind the “wonders” of your country you can use these search engines.  They’ve been designed to filter information for kids – some of the articles are still challenging.

You could use  Kiddle or KidRex.

Once you’re there, type the name of your country or the site you are interested in”visiting”  (spelling matters) and add the words “information for kids” or “information for third graders.”  Sometimes that helps focus the search even more, so the information is more understandable for you.

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