It’s Monday – here are some books you might like

Cody and the fountain of happinessCody and the Fountain of Happiness by Tricia Springstubb begins: In this life, many things are beautiful: Marshmallows 100% on your spelling test Turtles, with their cute thumb-shaped heads But if Cody had to name the most beautiful thing in the world, it would be… The first day of summer vacation. Which was today. Today!

What will you do with your vacation? Cody appreciates ants, meets a new friend, looks for a cat, discovers her camp is closed and deals with changes in her family. It’s not always perfect, but there are many things to fill a life with joy and so begin a fountain of happiness. What happinesses is your summer filling up with?

the antimatter motorNick, you told me about Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor and you’re right. It is fun. Klink and Klank are great assistants. Watson is a good friend – though I’m not totally sure Frank appreciates him as much as he should. And T. Edison and Mr. Chimp are perfect villains. I think lots of kids in our class will enjoy the humor, the illustrations and the bits of science mixed in with the story. I’m off to the bookstore to get the second one today.

43 Old Cemetery Road is a series that I’ve been collecting and enjoying for the last seven years. The series tells the story of how three unlikely characters – Seymour Hope, an abandoned 11 year old, Olive C. Spence, the ghost of Spence Mansion and Ignatius B. Grumply, an author who just wants to left alone to write – come together to form a family of sorts that authors the very books you are reading. Told through a combination of letters, newspaper articles, pictures and texts, the story unfolds in a totally unique way full of puns and word play. In book 7, The Loch Ness Punster, the loch ness punsterSeymour inherits a castle in Scotland, the library launches a borrow-a-pet program and Garren Teed opens a new insurance company in town. Throw in a shady developer is named Macon Deals, an ancient tortoise named, Mr. Poe and messages from the Queen and you’ve got a funny story.