It’s Blogging Wednesday

This is the 3rd week of the Growth Mindset Read-Aloud project.  We’ve had some technology challenges in our classroom that wouldn’t allow us to connect with the video and the online conversation about After the Fall by Dan Santat.  After we read the book again – it’s one of our favorites, we realized accidents do always happen.  You can let worry about them keep you from what you love, or you can come up with a new idea and make a plan to overcome your fears.   It’s okay if that takes some time.

After we read After the Fall we each chose a picture book with a Growth Mindset message to summarize.   We read the books and wrote reviews to share what we could learned from them.  We shared how they help us learn more about the benefits of having a growth mindset.  Please read our individual blogs to find our book summaries.   We hope they inspire you to follow your dreams … even if the journey is an exhaustingly rough challenge.